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thanks kimaro(?sp) I've added you aswel

I've notice I can send my Mii onto other people but I still havent seen anybody elses Mii on mine
your very welcome G24 hope you like it.......ADD ME I will send all of my celeb miis...
Namine said:
thanks kimaro(?sp) I've added you aswel

I've notice I can send my Mii onto other people but I still havent seen anybody elses Mii on mine

You and the other person have to enter each other's Wii code. If one side doesn't do this then the name will stay grayed out in the address book.
Namine said:
thanks kimaro(?sp) I've added you aswel

I've notice I can send my Mii onto other people but I still havent seen anybody elses Mii on mine

They normally appear in Mii Parade on your Mii Channel, and you need to have Travel Settings on travel there, or others' miis won't appear there. If your mii has Mingle on, then it will automatically appear on your registered friends' Mii Parade. If you send your mii manually to someone's Wii, they will appear on the receiver's Mii Plaza, not Parade. And Plaza can fill up (100 miis max?), Parade afaik can't.
Damion said:
Online User Name Damion
Wii code in signature
Wii Nickname DK
hi Damion i've added can do the same my number is 2515 6388 9647 8078 and my name is WII
question80 I just added you add me my wii code and nick are to the left..thanks
Not many girls on here so if you want to actually talk to one, here's my friend code: 8040-2540-8781-5077 (username- VAwiigirl)

I haven't registered anyone on here yet so just send me a PM with your friend code if you registered me.
Wii Friends

Everyone Who was on my friend list please add me back and any new people also Because I got a new Wii NUmber the number is 6791-2451-5102-9015 its also on my tag and my profile thanks everyone Please let me know if you add me
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