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If u all wanna face a master at Super Smash brothers or any other game, here is my wii code. 8384-8170-6738-0334 o and pm me your wii code if u want to or send it to [email protected] Thanks.

Pit (Kid Icarus)
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Today, 09:55 AM
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how do i make a username and where do i find my code at?

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Today, 10:51 AM
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Today, 12:53 PM
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Wii Online Code: 5357 3909 5528 2420
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somebody please add my wii number tell me yours when u do in a pm...thank you
4796 0156 4415 8747
Please tell me if you are adding me, ill add you too if u tell me ur adding me
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Just saying thanks to those who have added me so far, and thanks for the Miis also!

Brendo & Gamer24west, you're still grey in my address book, if you added me, check to see if you entered the right Wii number... everything looks ok on this end...

Still taking friend requests, just send me a PM when you add me so I can add you back.
Dark Sentry,
I fixed it all up. I must have forgotten to put your details in:lol: my bad:yikes: and some mii's will be on the way for you!

and, on a side note: People need to learn not to double, tripple and quadruple post. Oh and while Im having my rant people shouldnt needlessly spam the same message multiple times:mad5:
WiiMii22 said:
Wii Online Code: 5357 3909 5528 2420
Wii Username: WiiMii22

hi wiimii2 i've added you can you do the same my number is: 2515 6388 9647 8078 and my name is WII
hey everyone, thanks to those who have added still addin people so if i've pm'd u then add me pls, or anyone who i haven't pm'd can add me if they like, but pm me as well so i can add u back!

also, ChazzyP, Toksyx, phahtrox, Twisted B, OhMyStars, naisatoh, and WiiOwnsPs3...u'se are all still in the grey, so i mighter forgot to pm u or u jus haven't added me yet...if i did forget then apologies, otherwise, add me pls!

details are on the left if anyone wan add me then...l8az :thumbsup:
add me and i'll ad you

PM first

on SIG.
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