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any one wanna battle me
name: David
Code: 5026 1054 9944

or doubble battle wit me n my friend we will have 3 pkmn
code:5154 9670 1055
Add Me

brendo said:
Any New members feel free to add me, I have 100 mii's in my plaza and over 200 in my parade. My detils are on the left. Just hit me Up with a PM if you do so:cool:
Brendo, Signing out:lol:

Hey, can you please add me? i just joined and i dont have any mii friends...My username is: Brad, and my Friend code is:7076-0363-7935-0428.

Add Me

brendo said:
Any New members feel free to add me, I have 100 mii's in my plaza and over 200 in my parade. My detils are on the left. Just hit me Up with a PM if you do so:cool:
Brendo, Signing out:lol:

Hey, can you please add me? i just joined and i dont have any mii friends...My username is: Brad, and my Friend code is:7076-0363-7935-0428.


:shocked: PS. What the hell is a PM? lmao i have no idea :shocked:
Dark Sentry
Wii #7766-4926-3754-8510
Name: DarkSentry

Drop me a PM if you add me so that I can add you back...
WiiOwnsPs3 said:
Brendan, I added you, so please add me.

Will do, but a word of warning. The mods will deem 5 posts as unneeded spam, so keep it to one post, and just edit your post if need be:smilewinkgrin:
I am currently adding everyone as a Wii friend so please please add me;

Wii Online Code: 4353-6518-6371-5524
Wii Username: Anna Chris

I've made a number of Miis but I'm not seeing alot other Mii in my Parade. How do I attract more?
Ok im very new to the Wii as in got one 2nite...

So I need friends to play...

Wii code - 0636 1719 4520 1550

User name - Twisted b

So add me and ill add yourself email me if you have added me then i can add you
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