Share Friend Codes Here

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I was told to come here for friend codes so here goes:

Wii Chat: DaybreakL
Wii Online Code: 5226-6637-2700-8666
Wii Username: Bill

Would love to swap Miis and see a parade for the first time!
my wii code is at the side pm me if u add me plz add me plz
WiiGirl2006 said:
Whatever, I am not going to get in some little kiddy fight over something stupid like this. I tried to be nice and you weren't nice back, so you can take your code and shove it were the sun don't shine, because I am not adding you.

you tell him! PS: your still grey my info on left... but take your time lol =)
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Does anyone read their PMs anymore? lol Just Kidding but here are some people that have been grey for a while now:

PS: Just wondering (and i know this is way off subject) but does anyone perhaps play EverQuest2?
And what the heck is ssbb?????
Everyone please add me and let me know in some form of a msg some where I will see it.
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