Share Friend Codes Here

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term your missing some numbers...
hey super mario is back, still looking for more friends
PM if you add me so I can add you back.
Thanx All
Hey all I just got my Wii back!! I have a whole new number tho, user name is Wiigirl and my number is 3760-2837-4393-9477. Please add me and let me kno. Thanks!!
Please add me my nickname is Jonathan if it inst that then try John.
Wii code is 4529 9123 5540 5529.
Thank you for anyone that adds me to there Wii system:cool:
Also to please leave your Wii number and your nickname please and thank you.
Hope to see messages come threw real soon. Bye for now
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Hello everyone

Im deleting the following people who has failed to make any kind of response. Wreck, Doosta, Sonicsam, Allie, Mazdaboi, Zandi, and Oscar-Cusm. Sorry but yall had me waiting to long for yall to add me back, But if you do ever get a chance to see this thread let me no if you added me. email to let me no.:frown2:
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