im new to this wii i just got it 2 days ago i already have the internet hooked up on it but i dont understand the wii friends or how to add my wii is 5622-4817-0545-1820 if you added me my email is and let me know so that way i know and can add you as soon as possible
"just added Mephisto21, Battles, Swoove26, ozzy70, Tapwii, Kew34, JimBobUK, i81u812, Manson, billbejNJ, Projection and OperaPoweredWii. Please add me back"
if anyone who has added me is wondering why I have not came up yet it is becuse my internet is not working. Please don't delete me, I'm getting a new router next week to fix it.
Sup everybody! Heres a list of everybody I added Sparrow,lee,Tank,Scottie,iced,shade,Battles,Wilabob,Turks,Jeese,LemonLemon,Kadejah,Dragon20,longboarder,luwii G!!!,sef,FutbolDude,Kirbydude,Metal,and Wii Mac. If your name is not on here and you want to be on the list please email me at