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Ok added Sef if anyone else wants to add me go ahead and ill add back just pm or post here.
My wii code

6084 2835 6848 8076
Hound9812, please PM me if you add me. Hope to hear from you
Add me guys!

My name is Houston.

PM me when you add me w/ your code.
if anyone wants to add me pm me or post on here...
wii number: 8506-4584-2656-0169
Nickname: Westy
Hey all,
this is my short/long list of the people I can remember I added:
TapWii, FutbolDude9, Battles, Westy, Mephisto21, Kadejah, Iced, cjoyce1980, Slimjim, Hakala, welshie82, hound9812, WiiDudeman and Dragon20.

If anyone new has added me, just shoot me an email or a post here.
Thanks all.
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