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Actually you could PM me because I have wiiconnect24 and my email address is to the wii now.
if anyone wants to add me pm me or post on here...
wii number: 8506-4584-2656-0169
Nickname: Westy
Aw, Same here goes for my Pm'ing thinger, SO like could someone add me and i add them, D:, And i hope im not the only one left heres D:
WiiZero said:
I wonder if this is the longest thread ever

back on topic when was the last page a noob didn't post

okay so that wasn't back on topic

Probably me, i posted yesterday, might be a page or 2 back now :lol:
hey zuriku i added u so if u wanna add me my wii number and name are to the left:)
metal i add u so add me send me email or private mess when you add me
i still cant pm anyone and im kinda pissed about that, but if anybody wants 2 add me do it and tell me on this thread or pm me if u can, and ill add u back.
nooooo! any1 that added me will have 2 add me again :( i formated my wii and it changed my wii number! my new number is 1009-2429-7148-5277. i did it coz it wouldnt let me access the internet channel :(
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