im still always get it looks like no one is here when i visit the parade.
Yet a couple of my miis are in bold writing so i know theyve been entered correctly.
I checked the connection,travel etc yet still cant see anyone,
what am i doing wrong?
racer have u got any codes for wii points email it 2 me so other people dont get it
im only replying to people with real wii points codes
i think ive found the easiest way to make friends, register people for messege board and mii transfer, and its more or less pain free, so here goes.
my wii address is 4327-6308-0429-1386. now all you have to do if you would be so kind is send me an email with ur name an wii address to when you have registerd my number on your wii. anyways i hope to hook up with ya'll soon. peace.