Shadowrun Vista/360! mini review


WiiChat Member
Sep 7, 2006
Wii Online Code
Hi I got my copy of Shadowrun for Windows Vista today though I would review it.

I have to say I started this game expecting to lose out on Achievements but hell no this game links to your live account and allows you to get the same achievements as the Xbox 360 version.

I though it would be worth pointing out this game was designed ground up for 360, the interface features all of the control buttons (B for back for example) and feels very unnatural with the PC.

As a result I decided to plug my Xbox 360 remote into my PC and this felt much more natural, although for most FPS I prefer the keyboard and mouse.

As a result of this game being designed for Xbox 360 the game requires the use of a Dual Core CPU with 2GB of RAM lucky my system has this well covered not one bit of slow down.

Now I would for any Noob including myself go through the training levels and you will get your achievements, this is were I experienced a slight issue, I logged of the Xbox live on my PC and logged in using my 360 and my gamer score had not updated, but as soon as I restarted the 360 it was working fine, and now updated quickly.

The game play is not your average FPS its more like Oblivion but more intense, for every training mission you do you have to finish with a bot mission the Ai acts like real people. Once you have completed this with a Win you will receive your achievement.

At first I though that trying to save and resurrect people during the battle would be annoying but its necessary to winning the battle, if you cast the tree of life spell in a well placed area you will reap the rewards and your team will succeed, the slight annoyance here is the fact that you can only have 3 activity on your trigger at once but there changeable through out the battle you just have to learn to do it quick.

The choice of races is also nice and the more varied the more chance you have of winning as each race has its own disadvantages/advantages.

9/10 brilliant game.
im not getting this game but it sure dose sound fun
i have a question, why didnt you get it for the 360? im sure your TV screen is bigger than your computer screen and you're using a 360 controller anyways
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Sovieto said:
im not getting this game but it sure dose sound fun
i have a question, why didnt you get it for the 360? im sure your TV screen is bigger than your computer screen and you're using a 360 controller anyways

Good question its just that I'm a pc gamer at heart, and most of the games I play run allot better on my pc.

The reason I done this was just to let people know that although it says for win Vista its very much for 360.
Plus I wanted to see how pc gamers vs 360 worked.
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A RAND0M TAC0 said:
Getting this tomorrow, cant wait

360 or Vista version? either way it don't mater lol.

If anyone wants to be my friend pm me and i'll give you my details, we can host a private match one day.

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