September Wii Release???!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IS will coming out in Setemper?

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the console is ready pit8, they are producing final units right now, only software updates would be applied now which could be downloaded later if need be, october seems to be the most logical date though, developers don't even have an exact date yet, but a lot are stating october which makes me think nintendo gave them a hint when to have the games done and ready for distribution, also this will give nintendo enough time so that others who have not heard of the wii will have time to witness it before the ps3 even gets any marketing out there turning off people from next-gen consoles altogether, the 360 is horrid, I played it a few times, don't own one b/c it doesn't have enough of an improvement in graphics, one of my friends does and says hooking it up is a job in itself, actually played old dreamcast games over 360 b/c didn't want to mess with the hook-up, and if you need to switch the game you better have 10 mins to wait since it thinks its also a computer and the split personalities don't like each other, has even tried returning for another and same crap happens. the ps3 is waaaaay overpriced and from what I've seen of the other options is that its has problems doing anything also, hope fully nintendo wiill be able to bring back gaming fun, I havea computer for the other crap I need to do. sorry about the rambling but figured why not.
Sptember meant to be the date they announce its release date, and price and excetera and so forth
deity_link said:
Sptember meant to be the date they announce its release date, and price and excetera and so forth
they could still release it the same month. and i thought august was going to be the month they were doing that...
Nah I read somewhere that its september but yeh they could also just do both in the same month
deity_link said:
Nah I read somewhere that its september but yeh they could also just do both in the same month
I really want it before the begining of oct. im having a party then:D
Yeh I don't I've only got about $20 towards the Wii I need a little bit longer to get more poo change to put into "The Tin"
you know I've heard a lot of people say that nintendo is confirming the release date in september with an actual date, but there is no official word on that, I think this may just be another rumor someone started that wasn't so obsurd as to seem fake, so everyone believed it, could possibly be the release date and nintendo isn't squashing this confirming the release date info because it will throw everyone off if they do release in september, including the ps3 copy cats.
NateTheGreat said:
Hey, me too! My birthday's on the 5th of September; I'll be 18.:cool:

Wonder if Nintendo knows this??

They must, they're like Santa, right?:lol:
mines on the 6th of Oct. turning 18. i want the wii before then so my friends and i could play Wii sports or whatever multiplayer game there is
I know what you mean, I want the wii right now, but even if it came out tommorrow I would still have to wait to have enough money to buy it, atleast 1 extra controller and a few games, if only we know how long we had to save, I'm saving for an october release and if it's sept I'll have to wait on a couple games, if november then I can get even more stuff.
yeh same I need some money, a lot of money, so i can go and get myself a wii