September 14th - 15th - All will be revealed


Apr 30, 2006
Earlier in the week we posted news that Nintendo of Europe announced their own trade-only event to match the one taking place in the U.S on the 14th.

It has now been confirmed that a similar even will be taking place in Japan on the 14th too.

Speaking on the subject of the trade-only event, an NoE representative said: "Wii will be playable. Nintendo will be announcing new software at the event and there will be new announcements regarding the Wii console itself."

It is highly anticipated that on the 14th Reggie will be announcing the release details in his conference speach, words which will mirrored in the Japan and Europe shows.

All three shows will take place within 24 hours of eachother, and are one week before the Tokyo Games Show.

It seems Nintendo wants their announcement to stand out, rather than have it come as just part of the announcements from another show.

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I know the Japanese news was posted in the chat form a few days ago, thought i'd repost here in case anyone missed it :)

Threads move fast in there.
go nintendo plz show the released date this time hopfully it will be annoced before or in tokoyo game show plz show the released date to us
you know how nintendo said that they were going to pull an aple(releaseing somthing withen 2 weeks of the day they announced the realease date).if they are going to announce it then that means that oct. 2 may not such a disregraded release date canadate.
Finally, Nintendo actually reveals...something! Props to Miyamoto and Iwata, they're actually releasing SOME info about SOMETHING, but we have NO IDEA WHAT. Sounds dandy, just dandy...seriously, really really dandy!:p
ssbb_lover said:
Finally, Nintendo actually reveals...something! Props to Miyamoto and Iwata, they're actually releasing SOME info about SOMETHING, but we have NO IDEA WHAT. Sounds dandy, just dandy...seriously, really really dandy!

Well I agree with you, and I think they are doing this because Sony now can't copy them.
Sam_Harris said:
lol now all we need is an australian one yes i can dream cant i
LOL, totally agree with u mate, dam nintendo America, Japan, Europe ETC. I bet u they even have a nintendo iraq. BUT NOOOOO, nintendo cheaps out with no proper nintendo australia. Nintendo Australia does nothing at all. NOTHING!

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