Wii being packaged?!


Sep 6, 2006
The IGN message boards have run abuzz with allegations from a poster that Nintendo is seeking 150 people to begin packing finished Wii consoles as soon as Tuesday.

Clever users investigated a number of work agencies postings and found recent job openings for Nintendo's North Bend location, which houses the facility that packages and distributes the publisher's products. However, the most compelling job posting is listed directly on Nintendo's official website. Nintendo of America is looking for a production agent trainee to work out of its North Bend facility, and the person will most definitely be handling as many Wii systems as they can get their hands on.
Directly from the Nintendo job posting:

"It's an exciting time to be a part of Nintendo's team! Millions of eager fans are eagerly anticipating the launch of our revolutionary new console, Wii. As a Production Agent Trainee, you'll be on the front-lines--working tirelessly to ensure they don't leave stores empty handed this holiday season.
At least one IGN board poster has applied for the position and will undoubtedly report back with details if he nabs the job. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

In the meantime, the latest allegations - combined with Nintendo's own job posting - seem to back up reports from studios that the console is finished and that the Big N could spring an early launch on consumers if and when it reveals Wii's price and release date later this week.

-----Credit goes to IGN for the article-----

This article must mean that Nintendo really are thinking about releasing the Wii sooner than we had previosly thought...I suppose this is another reason why we should look forward to the Wii event!! (14th in Japan/America, 15th Europe)

3 days to go until the Wii Ja/Am Event!

4 days until EU London Event (which is what I am wating for!)
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MetroidZ said:
exactly :D:D if its true; i dont see why they would just wait months to release it
Yea! I suppose it depends on how many consoles 150 people can package though, in that time frame! Wii they be able to pack ? Million units that will be available at launch?
This doesnt necessarily mean anything. They still have to package everything and then ship it out to every store. Some stores will probably have them at least a week before they release. So you figure that they will have to package a good surplus so that they have enough to supply stores with during the first few weeks and all the way through x-mas. So they want to get a good head start and have a good suppy in their warehouses. Then you figure as many as 3-5 days to ship to some locations. Plus they have to package accessories and first party games as well. For those of you who have not checked your calendars, it is the middle of september and november is not that far away. It will take a good month at least to hire someone, package everything and then distribute it.
i just hope they are able to package enough to fill all preorders. there are tons of people on the preoder-preodrder list at Game Crazy and i want to make sure i can get one (however im not waiting for the call saying i can preorder, the day after they announce the price/release date im going up. (the reason behind going a day after is because they need some time to get informed that the date and price have been revealed)
me too 4 days till i know and i want answers all i hope is that its not going to be near christmas i hate that when plp crowed for games for christmas

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