Sensor Bar/Cursor jerkiness question


WiiChat Member
Jan 9, 2008
I am a two-day old Wii user, so I certainly don't know all there is to know about sensor bars and remote sensitivity, but I have done extensive searching all day on various forums and sites about this, and haven't found what I am specifically looking for, so I'll take a chance and post on here. I have also posted this in the SMG forum here, but I think it's relevant enough for this forum as well.

My cursor jerks and is really twitchy on Super Mario Galaxy. When I move the cursor around the screen (to pick up star bits, for example) the cursor jerks around and the wii remote rumble activates, like I moved the cursor over a button or something else selectable. Of course, nothing is there to select, so it just does it randomly. Also, it makes it really hard to select anything - when I put the cursor over a galaxy or a level within that galaxy to select it, the cursor freaks out. I can still select the selectable item but the icon freaks out, the remote rumbles almost constantly, like I am constantly moving my remote from and back to the selectable area (sorry if this is confusing, it's really hard to explain). Incidentally, I have tried this with two remotes, both with fresh batteries, to the same effect.

I also get this a little bit with the Wii menu, but it really goes into overdrive with Mario Galaxy. I have also tried Wii Sports and Trauma Center: SO, and it's not nearly as bad as it is with Mario.

This sounds to me like a sensor bar issue, but I have no other lights or IR sources (except for my cable box about 9 inches above the TV) near the Wii or the sensor bar. The only thing I can think of is that I have two glossy 24x36 posters on the wall behind me, but not directly behind me, about 6 feet either side of me - can these reflective surfaces also be the culprit? I also sit about 6 feet away from the TV as well (it's a 32-inch CRT). The sensor bar is on top of the TV, at a slight downward angle, but I've also put it on the bottom of the TV (and changed the Wii sensor bar options accordingly) and the jerkiness doesn't go away. I have used all 5 remote sensitivity settings, and it seems to work the best at the '5' setting, but it doesn't completely get rid of the random jerkiness/rumble.

Like I stated, I just got the Wii a couple of days ago, so I am most certainly a Wii noob, but I think I have done everything correctly in terms of setting up the Wii and sensor bar.

Has anyone else experienced this - I can still play the game fine, just the jerkiness of the cursor is really bothering me.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you!
Abacab12 said:
I am a two-day old Wii user, so I certainly don't know all there is to know about sensor bars and remote sensitivity, but I have done extensive searching all day on various forums and sites about this, and haven't found what I am specifically looking for, so I'll take a chance and post on here. I have also posted this in the SMG forum here, but I think it's relevant enough for this forum as well.

My cursor jerks and is really twitchy on Super Mario Galaxy. When I move the cursor around the screen (to pick up star bits, for example) the cursor jerks around and the wii remote rumble activates, like I moved the cursor over a button or something else selectable. Of course, nothing is there to select, so it just does it randomly. Also, it makes it really hard to select anything - when I put the cursor over a galaxy or a level within that galaxy to select it, the cursor freaks out. I can still select the selectable item but the icon freaks out, the remote rumbles almost constantly, like I am constantly moving my remote from and back to the selectable area (sorry if this is confusing, it's really hard to explain). Incidentally, I have tried this with two remotes, both with fresh batteries, to the same effect.

I also get this a little bit with the Wii menu, but it really goes into overdrive with Mario Galaxy. I have also tried Wii Sports and Trauma Center: SO, and it's not nearly as bad as it is with Mario.

This sounds to me like a sensor bar issue, but I have no other lights or IR sources (except for my cable box about 9 inches above the TV) near the Wii or the sensor bar. The only thing I can think of is that I have two glossy 24x36 posters on the wall behind me, but not directly behind me, about 6 feet either side of me - can these reflective surfaces also be the culprit? I also sit about 6 feet away from the TV as well (it's a 32-inch CRT). The sensor bar is on top of the TV, at a slight downward angle, but I've also put it on the bottom of the TV (and changed the Wii sensor bar options accordingly) and the jerkiness doesn't go away. I have used all 5 remote sensitivity settings, and it seems to work the best at the '5' setting, but it doesn't completely get rid of the random jerkiness/rumble.

Like I stated, I just got the Wii a couple of days ago, so I am most certainly a Wii noob, but I think I have done everything correctly in terms of setting up the Wii and sensor bar.

Has anyone else experienced this - I can still play the game fine, just the jerkiness of the cursor is really bothering me.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you!

someone new on the forums who did a search before posting? is this an early birthday present or something!?!?! haha
anyway, how is the room set up? if you have things that may reflect light it can cause that because the wiimote doesn't really know the difference between IR light from the sun or from the sensor bar. If you want post a picture of the room it's in from a few different angles and we can possibly point out the problem to you(try to get decent photos though, it can be hard to tell from a cell phone picture or something)


p.s.-you're one of my favorite new cats on the forums for searching, though you could've found similar problems with similar answers it would be a bit hard to find so it's forgivable :lol: thanks for trying though. also this should've been posted in the stickied threads above about hardware problems or wiimote problems, but i'm answering anyway because you took the time to search and not be such a nob.
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Thanks Kyle, you rock for responding.

Yeah, I was afraid I didn't get this into the right thread, but sometimes issues can get lost if their posted in threads that are many posts long... :)

I can try to take pics of my living room, but there are no lights or heat sources anywhere near the sensor bar. I had all the lights completely off last night, using only the warm glow of the TV for light, and I still get the jerky/skippy cursor.

The things I'm gonna try (from my searching earlier today) is to put the sensor bar in such a way that the bar actually sticks out a cm or two from the front of the TV, and try to get it completely parallel with the floor, and not slightly tilting down as it currently is on the top of the TV. It really is only a slight angle, but it may affect it, from what I've been hearing.

I am also going to pack the whole thing up and move it to an inferior TV upstairs, just to see if the results vary.
Did you check the sensitivity options? You can find them in the wii settings menu, which is accessable from the main screen, then at the bottom left where it says Wii. Then find the sensitivity options, and adjust them as they work. This helps the pointing and clicking, but im not sure if it'll help anything else. Sorry if this isn't enough info for you, good luck with your Wii.
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Thanks for the response Wiimoto.

Yes, I have used all 5 sensitivity settings - 5 seems to work best, although it does not correct the problem I have with SMG with the remote constantly rumbling if I hold the cursor over any selectable item.

You know when you cursor over a button, like the Wii Settings button on the main menu, you get a brief rumble letting you know you've cursored over that button? Well, when I do something like that in SMG, the cursor rumbles and rumbles (and does the audio 'beep') multiple times, even when I hold the controller perfectly still, even setting it on the coffee table in front of me for stability. It acts like I am moving the cursor on and off the button quickly multiple times in a row, although the cursor doesn't move per se, it just blinks and flickers over the button. It won't stop flickering and beeping and rumbling, and it's quite annoying. When I cursor off the button, the cursor stays completely still like it should.

It's weird - I am wondering if the sensor bar is shot - I am going to try the "camera pic" trick to make sure the 10 lights are lit, and I am going to try the candle/flashlight trick. I will post back tomorrow with results.
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Thanks Pixelpush!

I will direct my questions there first in the future.

Well, I discovered and fixed my problem. Like many said, I was too far away from the TV. I measured, and I was 8 feet away, and I guess that is the outer range of the sensor bar. I have a small living room, so I didn't think that would be an issue, but it was - I rearranged my living room so that I can sit 4-5 feet away from the TV, and it works a treat.

At least I admitted I was a noob! :) THANKS ALL FOR THE HELP! I will go to the corner in embarrassment now... :blush2:
Abacab12 said:
Thanks Pixelpush!

I will direct my questions there first in the future.

Well, I discovered and fixed my problem. Like many said, I was too far away from the TV. I measured, and I was 8 feet away, and I guess that is the outer range of the sensor bar. I have a small living room, so I didn't think that would be an issue, but it was - I rearranged my living room so that I can sit 4-5 feet away from the TV, and it works a treat.

At least I admitted I was a noob! :) THANKS ALL FOR THE HELP! I will go to the corner in embarrassment now... :blush2:

haha glad you got your issue fixed. :D
Hey does anybody know if you could use two sensor bars? Let say one on top another on the bottom if this would help with the sensitivity problems?
My Gpa bought a Wii and had the same problem. Then sensor bar is exactly what it is named. An Ir emitting bar(infrared). Many things produce this like Candles, and the sun.. [0000----------0000] (fun project look at your sensor bar with a digital camera)... If any glare hits it or any infrared besides this bar are in the way of its path to the Wii mote, it will mess up. Also I believe there is a Distance limit between the two.

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