Selling WiiMotes online


WiiChat Member
Nov 14, 2006
Why Can I buy the Gamepad and nunchuck but cannot buy a Wiimote anywhere. They should have those readily Available I want everything shipped to me as my system, games and component cable is but I cant find an extra remote. Doesn't make sense. Please post a link if you find one available
ocdan said:
cus they turn into lightsabers if not within 30 feet of a wii

This man speaks the truth ladies and gents. :yesnod:
I kept following the link... it's and endless LOOP!
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  • #9
$40? They are supposed to be $20 aren't they?

If $40 is correct than your talking $60 for a controller with a nunchuck that is absurd.
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  • #11
Well I find that to be a huge rip off, I thought a $40 xbox 360 controller was shady. $60 is nothing short of unacceptable
mrserv0n248 said:
Well I find that to be a huge rip off, I thought a $40 xbox 360 controller was shady. $60 is nothing short of unacceptable
the price will drop. fo shiZZle

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