Selling Wii on eBay, going 360

i just picked up a 360 last week after owning a wii for a month, and i haven't touched the wii since!

i'm addicted to GOW right now :D zelda is on hold for now
One week before the Wii release I was really considering getting a 360 myself. I saw this hell good package where you get 360, 2 Remotes and GOW for a good price. I was going to buy it before I remembered that sweet, ever so sweet trailor of SSBB and Batalion Wars 2. MMMmmmm SSBB & BW2 :drool:
Redan499 said:
Im not going so far as to sell my Wii, but a 360 purchase in the future looks pretty promising to me.

yep same here, im planning to buy a 360 next year, especially for Halo 3 :D im keeping my wii for sure always will be a nintendo and microsoft guy.

Can't wait for Halo 3, SSBM , WarioWare and Mario Galaxy :D

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