Selling Wii on eBay, going 360

[B said:
psycho[/B]no2]huh?lol your a f***** retard arnt you? Wii is to cheap but 360 is just right.
psychono2 said:
huh?lol your a f***** retard arnt you?
Look at your username. Psycho
(I just always wanted to say that :))
And LOL, so you want the Wii to be more expensive? :shocked:
So the Xbox 360 should cost $400 is just the right price? :shocked:
Are you a retard?
iam not a "noob"ive been here for awile just never logged on,and if i wanted the wii to be more exspensive i would have said so.
it is for me they could have made it $270 ,heck nintendos president wanted it to be $100.
NightShift said:
Thats an interesting point of view....

Personally from a strictly monetary point of view Id think Wii would be the console you just described. Its cheaper and built for a child.....but hey its a matter of pov.

This is one of the flat-out stupidest things I have heard anyone say on this board. You've got to be kidding me.
Built for a child?

Succumbing to the social pressures of hating on Nintendo.........ugly.
I owned a 360, notice the past tence. The games were "o.k." The main game I had the 360 for is Halo 2 and 3 when it's released. Even that got old after a while.

Atleast the wii, with it's "simple wrist movements" put you more into the game than any other system i've ever played. I don't see you doing things with any other console remotes that actually have an affect on the game play. Just boring old mashing of buttons. Atleast with the wii the human aspect of a game is actually a factor, making each time you play a game, it's a different experience. Bowling is a great example of this.
thats where the others come in,you get a wii to put ur self their,bowling,or on a adventure in hyrule,but sooner or later you'll get bored of using the wrist movements all the time then its the fact of do i choose ps3 or 360 for my button pressing needs?there u go what one do you choose.
psychono2 said:
sooner or later you'll get bored of using the wrist movements all the time

Why would you? I've put countless hours into my Wii since i've had it and I don't get tired of it. It's the whole point of owning a Wii, it puts you IN the game.
the 360 is an amazing choice..

as for selling the wii, thats your personal choice, some ppl dont like the wiimote and stuff.... thats his own personal choice...

but as getting a 360, thats a good choice, its been out for year and has a very solid lineup of games for you to choose from.... when you get it, add me to your friends list.. mooose84...
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theres the link to my wii on ebay, (cousins account) bid if you want and your in the us
btw master_wii, thats the exact thing, you say wrist movements bring me into the game? they dont! doing the movements is more for social events, personally, if i wanna go bowling now, ill do the real thing, theres a reason why VIDEO GAMES and REALITY are different, video games are for what we cant do, reality is for what we can

ok that was a little harsh. the point is, i like button mashing, it adds more of the rhythm i like while playing video games, and sure those real movments are great, but i dont like the fact i can "bowl" whenever i want, it takes out the "fun and treat" ness of it
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LOL... If I want to button-mash, I could just play games on my computer, or go play on my PSP. And, I'm getting a PS3 next holiday season anyway. But for the next generation, I'll be armed with the best of both worlds, the traditional button mashing (PSP, PC, PS3) and the new, sexy control schemes (Motion-sensing Wii, and the Touch-Screen DS). I would never sell any of my consoles or handhelds, as they are precious to me, as a gamer. :)
ewwww psp that **** sucks and u dont have the best of both worlds when u enjoying a crappy system like ps3,ps3=pc in disguise:tard:
Sovieto said:
woo, made $560!!!
i think you made a good choice, i have a 360, and am getting a wii, but i will probably play my 360 more. are you/did you get live?
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Jessy15 said:
i think you made a good choice, i have a 360, and am getting a wii, but i will probably play my 360 more. are you/did you get live?
of course, i have to buy a wireless thing for my sisters comp though :mad5: cause she has no money and its the only way i can get my comp in my room for my tv, its a good trade off, uhhh..right?

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