Sell Wii For 360?

up to you but think.. the only game s u meantioned were games made by nintendo, im sure there will be good 3rd party supprot this year for the wii.

and to fustrated about the crappy game so for the wii and also want a 360 (as im in a 360 clan and i dont even own one :p) but im not going to sell my wii because i can wait and i no it will pay off.

and i no how you feel bout brawl etc as i live in UK and we get that to.

does that mean heroes in europe has no online to??
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Medal of Honour Heroes 2 does have online multiplayer in the UK, and aswell as everywere else its been launched EXCEPT Australia.
if u r really into first person shooters there is another rumor going around about call of duty 5 by end of 2008 early 2009 long wait but i say keep ur wii i lik the 360 just scared of wasting my money because they have that thing the RROD soo yeaa stick with the wii my choice if u end up selling the wii buy a PS3 in my eyes way better
Yeah call of duty 5 with PS2 graphics do the sensible option and buy a 360 to go along with your Nintendo Wii.

I can kinda see where you are coming from I own a Wii myself and have to say that the quality of games are pretty s**t

Everybody hypes up Smash Brothers but the game didn't really click with me personally I think it's way over hyped and nothing that great.

As for me I am a avid nintendo fan but I'm thinking about getting a PS3 aswell to settle my craving for adult orientated games. Hey you can't go wrong with the 360 though!

Looks at the games for christ sakes lol

Halo 3, Mafia 2, Crackdown 1 + 2, Fable, Ninja Gaiden 2, Mass Effect, Gears of War 1 + 2, GTA4

I'm getting the PS3 solely to satisfy my final fantasy needs after all the Wii will end up with a cut down rehashed piece of sh**t known as crystal chronicles.

Plus 2 years into this gen when PS3 developers begin to push the consoles power then the Wii graphically will begin to look below average.

Oh I forgot it already f**king does :lol:
Do your parents realize there is an additional monthly/yearly fee to play online with the XBox 360? You'll need a Gold XBox Live membership.

The Wii is free to play online.
His point is he doesnt have online, atleast not the kind he wants... Have they confirmed that MOHH2 will not be online? ive seen rumors both ways but no official reports yet for the aussies... Still if your a FPS kinda guy you should have bought a 360 in the first place! Nintendo is always gonna do what nintendo does best...

MOH 5 is gonna be hitting the Wii based on EA reports hopefully thats online as well. and who knows what else is in line.. They will probably dump a tone of FPS onto the wii here over the next few months because they know the customers will buy them! problem is your already a few montsh behind everyone and if you like FPS so much your gonna want more than a handful of good ones to choose from, but your also going to have to say goodbye to the nintendo 1st partys in return... its your decision i would wait for the official word on MOHH2 but even then thats only one game and its good sure but not the best fps on the market right now...

Its your money decide whats best for you, dont forget to take into account the cost of Live though its not much but you have to pay it every year/month to keep playing online.
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I know that Medal of Honour Heroes 2 isnt online because i purchased it and it doesnt have the feature, so im taking it back. I dont mind paying $50 every six months for Xbox live, i can afford that.

Anywho, seriously, keep the Wii, we are gonna get some great games out this year i says. COD5 is coming out Later this year aint it? I hear thats gonna be on the Wii. If they manage to get the Controls to work it will be a GRRRRRRREAT game that the Wii needed. Plus theres Brawl you can wait for.
Shikes listen. The Wii has 'original' games and very unique. 360 and PS3 have no original games they have shooters and all the same stuff but just different storylines and some slight differences. Since I have a 360 and a Wii, I really do prefer the Wii more for the originality because I have a GC, Xbox 1, Wii, 360, and the Wii wins. The Wii is 'still' new. Would you rather have lots of the same old games or not have a lot of game but really great new games ? Your decision.
i sold my wii for a 360 and i only regret not doing it sooner, many others also have and have the same thought on it (all though not all of them are still at this site). even though, i didnt sell mine so close to ssbb release.... i sold mine when there was no games to play.

Close said:
Shikes listen. The Wii has 'original' games and very unique. 360 and PS3 have no original games they have shooters and all the same stuff but just different storylines and some slight differences. Since I have a 360 and a Wii, I really do prefer the Wii more for the originality because I have a GC, Xbox 1, Wii, 360, and the Wii wins. The Wii is 'still' new. Would you rather have lots of the same old games or not have a lot of game but really great new games ? Your decision.
wow dude, for being here so long i didnt think you could make a dumbass comment like that.
Sovieto said:
wow dude, for being here so long i didnt think you could make a dumbass comment like that.

Maybe it's dumbass, but it's my dumbass comment. Which makes it awesome :aureola: :yesnod:
hey like someone said try and get both. i love my set up. i use my wii for the different types of games, and use my 360 for mostly sports and shooters. i get the best of both worlds
^ Exactly.

But you d as you like man. I'd personally get both. But that's me.

Just ask yourself "what kind of gamer am I? What system is best suited to my needs?" and then go from there.

The wii and the 360 offer different experiences. And based on the person they make prefer one experience over the other.

Do some self analysis and then make your call. Don't listen t anyone's opinions but your own.
I really want to get a 360, but I'll have to buy it with my own money cause my parents wouldnt let me sell the Wii, just beecause they sometimes bowl using wii like once a week....:mad:
But , im gonna rent moh tonight and maybe ill like it and keep the wii for longer

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