Sega Smash Bros. What if thread


Sonic expert
Jan 25, 2009
Wii Online Code
Im bored and want to dwell on an idea and share it. I'm certainly not the only one who would love for Sega to make a Smash Bros.-esque game like Sony did with Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, maybe the one on these forums sure but I know LOTS of people want this, or another Sega MegaMix.

So to help me think, Im getting thought out there one at a time. Fighters, stages, music, all that jazz. No order to it, just coming up with what I can as I go. First character on the list is obviously Sonic the Hedgehog. But, he was already in Smash Bros. No need to make a moveset for him since its has already been done.

I guess the next thing would be a stage, and obviously Id have Green Hill Zone as one of them...

But that is a stage in Brawl so no need to explain the stage. BUT. Take away all the music for that stage. The following list is the music I would have for Green Hill Zone:

Green Hill Zone:

Green Hill Act 2 (Modern):

Emerald Hill Zone:

Splash Hill Zone Act 1:

Palmtree Panic present (JP):

Palmtree Panic good future (US):

Casino Night Zone Act 2 (Modern):

Chemical Plant Zone (Classic):

Flying Battery Zone (Generations):

Labyrinth Zone (Fan Modern):
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Sumo digital (Outrun 2, Sonic allstars racing) have expressed an interest in making something like Smash
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I hope they do. They've already said that they want to do a Mario Kart/Sega All-Stars Racing crossover game, though it'll never happen. (Probably)
How about BATTLETOADS!? XDXDXDXD That be pretty awesome. I for one would like to see an Ice Cap Zone level (from Sonic) to fight in! :D
Edit: Add some spoiler tags maybe? :tongue:
Battletoads is owned by Rare

Rare are now ****
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Yeah what DBloke said, on both accounts. Rare has turned to crap. After Nuts & Bolts I lost all respect for them, and canceling a promising looking Conker game.

I plan to include two very likely guest characters and a stage built just for them, as Brawl did with Snake and Sonic.

And I understand wanting an Ice Cap level. That is one of the Sonic series best stages that I so hoped to see in Generations. I wont include an Ice Cap stage though, for I'll be pushing it already with the amount of Sonic stages Im putting in. Green Hill is a classic stage with classic music, and Ill make one that is for the more modern Sonic games with modern level music, then three other Sonic stages that are based for specific Sonic characters separately.

Though I will include an Ice Cap song in Green Hill, speaking of which, Im adding onto the music of Green Hill now.

EDIT: Scratch that, Ice Cap music will be put on another stage.
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While Im on a music searching role, I know just what songs to put into this one stage, so before I go into any characters Im going to do just that. Here is Angel Island.

Layout to be something like that, but to look a lot better and take away the seven Chaos Emeralds floating above the Master Emerald.

Anyway, enter Angel Island, the mysterious floating island in the skies of the Sonic universe. Tales tell of a mysterious power housed in the island somewhere, and that power is that of the Master Emerald, a giant gem that hold the same amount of energy as all seven Chaos Emeralds put together, but its energy is of the opposite polarity as the seven gems. With such a powerful item, it must be guarded from getting in the hands of those who would use it for evil. That is where Knuckles the Echidna, the last surviving member of an ancient race of echidna, comes in. His people were the guardians of the Master Emerald, but now that he is the last one, its a 24 hour job. The music of Angel Island is dedicated to him and to Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

Angel Island Zone Act 1 (Brawl Mix):

Mushroom Hill Zone Act 1 (Classic):

Sky Sanctuary Zone Act 1 (Classic):

Ice Cap Zone (epic remaster):

Knuckles theme/Mini-Boss Sonic 3 Mash-up:

Unknown from M.E. (Knuckles theme from Sonic Adventure):

Unknown for M.E. (Knuckles theme from Sonic Adventure 2):

Team Chaotix Theme:

Lost World Act 2:

Lava Reef Zone Act 2:

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