SEGA exec: Wii to look "dated", PS3 to win

What hes saying is, in a year the remote wont be very innovative cause by then anything you could do with it would have been done. I think they will have more varaity useing the GC controller. The remote will get stale.
Sega know everything, thats why their consoles doing so well. Oh shi-

Seriously though, come back SEGA. Oh and be good again please.
GamerCon said:
What hes saying is, in a year the remote wont be very innovative cause by then anything you could do with it would have been done. I think they will have more varaity useing the GC controller. The remote will get stale.
yup:yesnod: , and even if they do come out with some new way to play that is oh so fun, history shows it will only be fun for a short period of time before it just becomes "how you play"

Jay61 said:
Sega know everything, thats why their consoles doing so well. Oh shi-

Seriously though, come back SEGA. Oh and be good again please.
lmao that was a great first line
sega is a well known third party developer. The future of these consoles depend on third party stupport. Lets see if your smart enough to put 1 and 2 together Jay.

btw, the sega dreamcast was an amazing console, far beyond its time. Why did it fail? it lacked third party support. I think sega has a lot more say due to actual experience that you make them out to seem.
Shiftfallout said:
sega is a well known third party developer. The future of these consoles depend on third party stupport. Lets see if your smart enough to put 1 and 2 together Jay.

btw, the sega dreamcast was an amazing console, far beyond its time. Why did it fail? it lacked third party support. I think sega has a lot more say due to actual experience that you make them out to seem.
but sega produces nothing but ****:sick:
not in the arcades they dont. Sega pretty much owns the arcade market with atari. They make good games as well for consoles. Take virtua tennis for example, or CRUSH for the psp, everyone loves Crazy Taxi, Virtua Fighter, Some might like the armored core franchise. They have some good titles under their belt, most are the pick up and play fun type that ninty tries to make, and most are found in arcades. They have some good ones on the consoles as well, just not as much.
That article is weird.....
1: If he doesn't like the Wii (If this article is even real) he should leave sega cause Sega is making most of their games for Wii only. (i.e Nights, Sonic/mario olympics)
2. Blue Ray wont last. Look at the official reports by major Blue-Ray makers..... The disks are starting to mold due to a chemical used to make them....
Major Tom said:
That article is weird.....
1: If he doesn't like the Wii (If this article is even real) he should leave sega cause Sega is making most of their games for Wii only. (i.e Nights, Sonic/mario olympics)
2. Blue Ray wont last. Look at the official reports by major Blue-Ray makers..... The disks are starting to mold due to a chemical used to make them....
Disk Rot 1

Disk Rot 2
I have more but will only post these 2. Also this "Mold" has now been spotted (Couldn't resist that pun) on some copies of Resistance: Fall of Man.
Major Tom said:
Disk Rot 1

Disk Rot 2
I have more but will only post these 2. Also this "Mold" has now been spotted (Couldn't resist that pun) on some copies of Resistance: Fall of Man.

hah, the ultimate major hater is here. Welcome back Major lol.

First off, that engadget article is merely going off an unsubstantial thread found in the AVS forum.

Thats where the whole thing started. This has happened with DVDs as well in the past. Its not rot persay, but wherever the dvds and in that guys case BR disc, were made, there was a contamination on the coating that is put on the discs.

Again, this has shown up on dvds and now it seems there was a contaminated batch of BR coating. Thats it. Nothing has been really proven except via forum. Before you start jumping around like a loony pointing fingures and preaching the end of the world, how about doing your homework. When the source is proven legit, it is identified, narrowed down and fixed.

Nice try there Major Tom.
No matter how you try to spin it, Blue ray has the support of major hardware manufacturers and media companies. Thats not something you ignore.
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I'm qouting a Walmart Exec. on G4TV here:
"Blue-Ray is missing two major industries now: Anime & Porn. They have both gone with the much safer format of HD-DVD."
I know it sounds kinda funny but Porn is what made the VHS beat the Beta....
Major Tom said:
I'm qouting a Walmart Exec. on G4TV here:
"Blue-Ray is missing two major industries now: Anime & Porn. They have both gone with the much safer format of HD-DVD."
I know it sounds kinda funny but Porn is what made the VHS beat the Beta....
But things have changed since then. Now most porn is aquired through the internet so that isn't such a big deal as it was then. Most of the movie industry is supporting Blu-ray.
I saw a pron, on DVD, it said "5 HOURS." Now, the first thing i thought was, who watches porn for 5 hours? Then i thought about HD-DVD and i really dont need more then the hour long DVD. People watch scrambled porn so, does quality really matter?