Sega bringing more arcade to Wii


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Consider this
Sega with there history of kick ass shooters make some THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN PORTED TO A CONSOLE!!
Now add to that the Wii
So here are two forgotten Sega Shooters that where so damn good
Probably due to them being loud and brash
Gunblade NY & LA Machineguns Arcade Hits Pack

Platform: Wii

Rating: Teen

Content descriptors: Violence

Rating summary:
This is an arcade-style first-person shooter in which players engage in missions to protect sections of New York and Los Angeles from enemy forces. Players aim targeting crosshairs on dozens of attacking soldiers, robots, missiles, and vehicles that explode when destroyed. Constant gunfire and explosions highlight the frenetic action; zoomed-in camera angles depict multiple projectiles striking the humanoid terrorist enemies.


Yes it is a on the Rails shooter.
Yes it was bloody good fun.
Only prob I can see is the lack of oversized gun

Now about that Panzer Dragoon collection or a SODDING UPDATE!!
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Great another rail shooter.

Isnt it just.

Now if only they would put Virtua Cop 1,2 and 3 on a disc for the Wii then I will be a happy sod
Consider this
Sega with there history of kick ass shooters make some THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN PORTED TO A CONSOLE!!
Now add to that the Wii
So here are two forgotten Sega Shooters that where so damn good
Probably due to them being loud and brash
Gunblade NY & LA Machineguns Arcade Hits Pack

Platform: Wii

Rating: Teen

Content descriptors: Violence

Rating summary:
This is an arcade-style first-person shooter in which players engage in missions to protect sections of New York and Los Angeles from enemy forces. Players aim targeting crosshairs on dozens of attacking soldiers, robots, missiles, and vehicles that explode when destroyed. Constant gunfire and explosions highlight the frenetic action; zoomed-in camera angles depict multiple projectiles striking the humanoid terrorist enemies.


Yes it is a on the Rails shooter.
Yes it was bloody good fun.
Only prob I can see is the lack of oversized gun

Now about that Panzer Dragoon collection or a SODDING UPDATE!!

Now I can die in peace. Hours of my life lost in the mall beating this game with my friend.
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Now I can die in peace. Hours of my life lost in the mall beating this game with my friend.

Not to mention a load of quarters.

The gripe going round is that big gun not equal to shitty little wiimote

Its like that bit in MIB when whatshisname was showing that bloke from Fresh Prince of Bellair the guns and he game him the Noisy Cricket.
<Insert sexual innuendo >
Now I can die in peace. Hours of my life lost in the mall beating this game with my friend.

Not to mention a load of quarters.

The gripe going round is that big gun not equal to shitty little wiimote

Its like that bit in MIB when whatshisname was showing that bloke from Fresh Prince of Bellair the guns and he game him the Noisy Cricket.
<Insert sexual innuendo >

WAIT! you mean it wont come with the big cheasy plastic gun!?!?!?

Still gonna buy it though. VC or Disc?
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Get the cardboard and sticky back plastic out.

I assume its coming to a disc soon.
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More info from the horses mouth

LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (27th April, 2010) — SEGA® Europe Ltd., and SEGA® of America, Inc., today announced Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns Arcade Hits Pack™, a double pack of fast-paced machinegun shooter adventures exclusively for the home video game system Wii™. Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns Arcade Hits Pack will be in stores late this year.

Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns has been adapted from the original arcade machine games to make full use of the Wii™ controller. Whilst interacting and shooting on the streets of New York and Los Angeles the Wii Zapper™ compatibility provides even more immersion for the players. Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns Arcade Hits Pack also contains new features such as the Chain Combo System which enables even higher scores, and the Unlockable Weapon Toggle which uses game ranking to unlock hidden extras such as wide shot, rapid fire and heavy shot.

True to the original arcade games, Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns for Wii™ is set in the airspace above some of the United States’ most well-known locations. Players will be able to combat android invaders in New York City with their Gunblade helicopter gunship or take their flying gunship to battle a new force of android enemies in some of America’s most well known locales such as Los Angeles, Alcatraz, Yosemite and Las Vegas.

Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns Arcade will be releasing for the home video game system Wii™ in Summer 2010. For more information please visit For press assets please visit

Ok it looks like a last last gen game, but who cares ITS FUN!!
And thats all that counts