Second Chance: Offical Rp

Spare him and he'll help me? Not exactly part of my plan, but I need the help. I can take all three but might kill my target at the same time. "Fine. You won't ever fall by my hand. Now I need Iki, and I need him alive. Do what you want with the other two."

OOC: gotta go. i'll be back later.
"Well skull, I dont know why you 'Target' Is Iki, nor do I care, but I shall set him up. I will get him away from the other two. Thats as far as Ill go in your plot." Wind then raised his baton and played a soothing song, which was very quite. It healed most of Winds wound. "I shall fufil this. The time now is to position myself." Wind then looked at skull, and looked around the sewer. He was trying to find a way out. Wind started walking away slowly, causualy.
Filius stared at Iki for a moment. He then looked back to the wolf and concentrated his power. Rubble and peices of street flew themselves and crushed the wolf beneath them.

"Hold on Iki..." Filius said calmly, taking out a small bottle. He opened the cap and a heavenly scent came from it. He poured the brew onto Iki's wound, and the flesh healed itself. His burn mark dissappeared, and the full strength of the muscles returned to Iki. Filius smiled.

"Holy Water. A heavenly brew. Very useful, either for killing demons or treating wounds, it works the same."

Filius grasped Iki's hand. "Thank you, my friend. May the eyes of God watch over you for eternity. Here..."

Lucis expelled a large amount of energy into Iki's medium.

"There, now you have what you requested from me earlier. You have the power to utilize my medium power as well."
Wind walked down the halls of the sewer untill he finaly found a man hole on the backside of ark tower. He payed no attention to the tower itself, but only to skulls wishes. He dashed back to the scene were The holy man was, along with skulls target, and yet another unidentified man. He came across the group, this time he came in full view of them.

"Miss me? Forgive me, My name is wind. I dont wish to fight you... but to help you. With your premission, father, Id like to play a song for you. But I can only play it were you alone could hear it... But it will insure your safty. Now please follow me." Wind tried to pull of 'Harmless' to try and lure the holy man from Iki.
Filius flung his arms wide as if barricading Iki and the other guy from the newcomer.

"Pay no attention to him, Iki. This man has a dark and terrible power about him... But he cannot win against us all. He is a Reaper, plain and simple. He is not to be trusted. As the saying goes, Trechery is the way of the Devil. And they are no better than the Devil himself!"

Filius' cross glowed brightly.

"You cannot beat us, vile demon. Be gone, our face the Lord's Wrath! None can stand against it!"

Filius' face, creased and wizened with age, was blatantly serious. His voice was no longer that of an old, broken man, but of a young, powerful warrior. Deep and brimming with confidence.

"Be gone Demon!" Filius roared as rubble levitated and flew towards the Reaper, Wind, aiming to crush him.
Wind expected this attack this time, and what the holy man didnt relize was that wind was conducting a song behind his back. The song couldnt be heard over the noise the group made, but the song was played. Wind had erected a barrier of sound that repeled any frontal attack.

"Sir, please calm yourself. What is your name?" Wind stood his ground.
"My name is none of your concern, my attack is what you should be focused on!"

Wind's overconfidence showed as the rubble that had flown towards him also flew at his back now.
"Your god... HE IS NOT REAL! If you come with me I will show you true power. Abandon your god, he is non-existant!" Wind knew clearly that one of his biggest weaknesses, and hatred was agenst the supernatural force some call god. But he did not express this. "My power is stronger, come with me why you have the chance, or die, and spend an eternity in hell." Winds song grew louder, and the barrier grew into a full circle around him that lifted him about 6inches off the ground. This task took nearly all of his energy and focus, for if he missed a beat of the song, the barrier would collapse.
"God is as real as I want him to be! He may not be seen, he may not be heard, but his will is still carried out by those that follow his example. I will carry out his will, and you shall be destroyed!"

Light blasted from Lucis' gaping mouth.

"Face the Voice of God!"

The light created resonating shockwaves that disturbed the frequency of Wind's song, and blasted an exorbitant volume of light at the Reaper.
He's playing his part well. Skull phased onto the street behind the group, a few meters back. From his position he could clearly see every move made during the fight. Come on Wind. You need to get the inscects away from my target. Skull was getting impatient.

Iki was looking around. Lucis has that guy at bay. This guy, Tristen I think he said his name was, hasn't done anything. Then again he doesn't remember or know anything about the game so maybe he doesn't know about his powers. Either way, we have to get to the tower. We can't lose on the first day. Iki turned around and saw a man in a red sweater. Iki readied his sword. "Lucis, there's a guy behind us. I don't know if he'll attack us. We have to get to the tower. So I say we ditch these guys and run."
Filius heard Iki's suggestion, and he immediatly closed his mouth, cutting off the beam that resonated and was still shooting towards the other Reaper.

Filius muttered a strange incantation....

"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallow be thy name. Thine Kingdom come, thine will be done, and forgive us our tresspasses, as we forgive those who trespassed against us."

Filius' body glowed with a white aura as he chanted the rest of the incantation. A crack drew itself in a circle around the three Players, leaving the Reapers out of it.

"Lead us not into temptation.... BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL!"

At that moment, the circle of street the three were standing on lifted upwards, carrying the Players with them. A white light that sang in holy resonance the will of God blasted onto the battlefield, blinding the Reapers to the Players escape. The street peice rose higher, and then shot forward, carrying the Players to Ark Tower. Without looking back, Filius gave all his energy to get them out of their.

They landed after a moment in front of Ark Tower's entrance, the street peice dissapating into the ground. Filius collapsed on the ground, gasping and reaching for Iki.

"I- I need... in my right pocket... The Body of Christ.... I .... I need...." Filius then passed out from exhaustion.
Iki quickly reached in Lucis's right pocket. He pulled out a small wafer of bread. With one arm he lifted Lucis's head and with the other he fed him the wafer. Whatever this is, I hope it works.


"YOU IDIOT! You let them get away!" Skull was pissed off. He was pissed at Wind for not stopping them and pissed at himself for not reacting. "Now they're probably at the tower so they complete the objective. Are you completely useless!?" Skull just turned and started walking away. "If you weren't a reaper, I'd kill you right now."
Filius chewed the bread slowly, letting its dryness flow into his soul. Slowly, he regained his strength. He stood up, staggering for a moment.

"Thank you, Iki... Thank you..."

The three of them walked into Ark Tower, and Filius took a seat at a nearby desk, breathing heavily.

"I am glad this is the end of the objectives for today, because I am too tired to perform any more medium spells for awhile..."
Kain looked up to the tower calmly. Standing firm with his hands in his pockets. "What's so special about this place?" he asked himself.
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"COME ON" There was 1 minute left. Paul was not that far from the tower. Three reapers stood in his way.
"All we need to do is stall you..... wait what are you doing." Paul kept running at the reapers at great speed. He jummped in the air landing on one of the reapers causing it to fall over and slide across the ground as Paul landed on top of him, causing him to slide even further. He then dug his tie which was completly steel and used it as a polevault, with the mometum he had, flinging himself over Kain and into ark tower straight though the open doors. He slid to a halt and got up to relise people were staring at him.
Paul checked his phone to see the message.
Day 1 complete, 6 more day to go.
"A week I have to survive a week. Ok then a week it is." Paul stood up and looked around at the people staring at him.

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