M mysteryman1313 traitor May 24, 2007 30 0 Its a mystery Mar 30, 2008 #1 I am a rep for a Halo 3 clan called The White Assassins, we are recruiting new members who are strong in any specific aspect of halo 3, if you want to join or just want to see it then go to this link
I am a rep for a Halo 3 clan called The White Assassins, we are recruiting new members who are strong in any specific aspect of halo 3, if you want to join or just want to see it then go to this link
iRAWR rawrrr Jun 24, 2007 765 11 Ontario, Canada Wii Online Code 0000-0000-0000-0000 Feb 21, 2009 #2 EDIT: o shi-...this thread is old. Last edited: Feb 21, 2009
1337endo Motard Oct 20, 2007 2,806 3 New Jersey, USA Wii Online Code 3239-0851-6759-1030 Feb 21, 2009 #3 You certainly taught him a lesson on how to bump a thread.