SD Card Sizes...

I got a Sandisk 1GB at newegg for 30 shipped with $6 mir.
Basically to test out stuff on the Wii like the Video player.
I just got Excite Truck today and I saw how it picked up the Songs on my SD Card. Pretty cool.
Hey, I've got a question. What all can you put on an SD card (and what all can you use on the Wii)? I mean, other than music/movies/pictures, is there anything else?
So far, here is what I think the SD card can be used for:

  1. Saved Games
  2. VC Games (but I don't think you can take them and play on a friends Wii)
  3. Photos
  4. Movies
  5. MP3 Music

Did I miss anything?

I'd like to use it for the following:

  1. VC Games (be able to take to a buddies house and play)
  2. Mii's (Take them to my friends house)

So far, I only have 80+ photos on my 2gb SD card. I use the slideshow feature to show photos off. I like how FAST it works. Once in a while, I'll doodle on a photo and send it to my brother and nephew.

VC games are only for the console your downloaded them for. I guess it checks the Wii console #.
If you happen to download more than what the built in 512 can hold, then transferring a few of them to the SD card is a good idea, if you don't wanna re-download them from the store even though it's free once you buy the VC game.
If you want to play the VC at a buddies, bring your whole Wii.

Your Wii controller has memory built in for the Miis. It can store up to 8 Miis to bring along to a friends, you can choose it from the player selection screen in Sports for example.
specialsauce said:
Hey, I've got a question. What all can you put on an SD card (and what all can you use on the Wii)? I mean, other than music/movies/pictures, is there anything else?
You can Save your games (like when your saving where you are in the game)
And you can save VC games on it.
I just looked in my local Sunday paper and saw a Staples ad.

SanDisk 1GB SD $24.98
SanDisk 2GB SD $39.98
SanDisk 1GB Ultra II SD $29.98
SanDisk 2GB Ultra II SD $49.98

I wish I knew...
Yeah. SD cards have gone down in price.

I bought my 512 MB Sandisk SD card a year ago or so, and I paid like... 30-40 bucks for it. At Target, though. We don't have any electrical specialty stores other than Office Depot where i live. No Circuit City or Best Buy.

But I don't see the need for a higher memory of 512 MB on a SD card for just the Wii :p

Unless you want to load like, your entire music collection, or watch that one movie that you downloaded!
I'l be using my SD card in my Xbox360 via my SanDisk 12 in 1 reader intothe USB port.

So it serves two purposes.

Having a larger SD means just having more headroom for more mp3s...etc..
I'll throw like 5 albums on it and rotate it once a while.

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