Screens and New info on "Disaster: Day of Crisis

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  • #31
well it is being developed by Monolith Soft and published by nintendo, will be a 1 platform game, so it is exclusive on the wii
ok thanks. PS disregard that UC comment i made. i thought someone was saying it looked like the UC reticule so it would play the same:sick:
samXcor3 said:
ok thanks. PS disregard that UC comment i made. i thought someone was saying it looked like the UC reticule so it would play the same:sick:

that was me.i just thoght it was reuc.the enemies looked like zombies.
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  • #35
and if you think it looks good now, just wait, it'll get better
zapasant93 said:
and if you think it looks good now, just wait, it'll get better

Im sure it will:cool: I wonder if they are going for the cartoony rendered look maybe? regardless This game looks very promising
My [sarcasm] tags are catching on XD.

Anyways, This game could single handedly prove to Publishers the dark 3rd party games DO do well on Wii!

Though after the success of Resident Evil 4, I wonder if they're in complete denial.
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No offense, but this source is posting really old news. These screens have been out for maybe a month at least. They were posted on IGN and were torn apart as Monolith was heavily criticized because of the "bad graphics".

Personally though, I like what I'm seeing and I keep in mind that this game won't even be coming out for another year at least.
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  • #39
you clearly didnt read........

i never said the screens were new, i said the article is.....please think before you make another ignorent comment like that one
CPR?!?! Motion sensing?!?! Looks awesome
anyone know for sure?
I've wanted this game since I saw the first pics of it (back when they said it would be a release title:rolleyes: ). I thought it got scrapped because of some bug. nice to know it's still getting worked on


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hmm, the buildings and things of that sort look good but the character models aren't too great
The graphics look ugly and not compared to 360/PS3 but compared to what Wii can do. Rogue Squadron II on Gamecube looks better than that. ALOT better.
While I appreciate the combo of the pictures and the article, nothing is entirely new. The date dates back to last November, and the info there is nothing I didn't already know about.

Still the game should be good, and is definetely worth the wait.
I just hope it does come out in 2008. :lol:
JAKE196 said:
idk. . . I mean look at that ugly cab. :lol:


I really hope they overhaul the graphics. As of right now, they look like REALLY bad PS2 style graphics.
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  • #45
wow, this is a little old to keep alive dont you think

*refering to thread*