Scary Video Game Moments

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chucknorris013 said:
also in RE4 its scary when you fight the very first regenerator. youtube it if you dont know what im talking about. i got freaked there.

Yeah seriously X_X The worst part was in the autopsy room, when you pick up a keycard from behind a table with a corpse on it. The corpse had this parasite thing being torn out of it. I was expecting it to come alive and attack me. So I walk around it and exit the room. There is a 8 foot tall Regenerator standing right next to me.
y'know? i dont know why it is but its always less scary if you watch then if you play those kind of games...
I get scared occasionally at RE4, but its more fun overreacting to things. My friend will be playing [he's decent] and something half-surprising will happen and I'll jump up and start yelling at him to kill it and he'll get all flustered and die.

Today it was the first spider-parasite crawling out of a Illuminado's head.

xD hilarious.

I enter a room with a type writer in it. ENEMIES AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE WHERE TYPE WRITERS ARE!!!

Well, I save and continue, and out of no where, a regenerator comes crawling towards me!

I wasted all of my ammo, and it STILL didn't die. All I had left was a grenade. So I threw it... To my relief, it worked! :smilewinkgrin:

Then there was the thing in the bag. Never figured out what was in the bag...

(It was this room, here.)
Game: Doom II for PC
Age: 14
Time: 1:00AM
Room: Pitch Black
-Wearing headphones.

That whole game had me on edge. The creepiest thing was hearing those big, pink bull-monster things snorting and growling, but not being able to see them. You just knew one was going to pop around the corner and chew on your face at any second. Damn...I miss that feeling.
resident evil 4: i was in the room right after the autopsy room (first regenerator) i went into the freezer room and got the thermal scope. i was tapping A and i accidentally skipped the cutscene showing the regenerator i went through the doorway and there was a freaking regenerator. it decapitated my shoulder and i said 'holy shizenhazen!!!!!!!!!'
Silent Hill 3 is my favorite Silent Hill!
The subway scared me when I tried to open that locked door on the tracks then I heard the subway coming, I got ran over 3 times before I figured out what to do!

But the sewer area freaked me out when I crossed that bridge and the tentacle monster dragged poor heather into the water to her death!

And the hospital nurses! you knew they were somewhere because you heard them breathing, then you kill 3 in a narrow hallway only to find out theres one more behind you about to swing her pipe at you!!!

And last is the alternate hospital, when the walls look like they're made of blood! The supply closet is a terrible place to end up in. That bloody mirror is freaky!!! And during the alternate hospital if look in the right spot at the right time you can see Vateli dragging a nurse into a hole in the wall.

After I beat that game I never returned. But thanks to this thread I'm going to go and play it tonight because now it's in my head.
I get scared easily by the Resident Evil games. I don't think I could play without getting scared, or unless there is a person in the room. I'd like to get Resident Evil 4 but I'm not sure I'd have very much fun with it. :nonod:
Kai said:
ok, so this isnt really a video game but any way...

my friend wanted me to do this goolge scare maze(you move the mouse without hiting the edge or you have to start over) so twords the end you are really consentrating on getting throught it, and right before you finish this madusa looking face apears with a loud screaming sound. im 16 years old and i screamed like a girl.

the funny part is that i saw some other people doing the same thing on youtube, so i knew what was going to happen.
i done that maz and my 5 year old bro waz watching He SHAT him self it was funny....... that my sound cruel
I have all of these beat easily: ALIEN v. PREDATOR on the Atari Jaguar. Played it on a big screen tv (50") back in the day, lights dim or out, volume up. This game has *awesome* environmental sound--no stupid music playing, which doesn't belong in an immersive game anyway. Just a quiet ship to explore with dim lighting, low-frequency background hums, some drips, echoes, etc. And when you turn or enter a new area and hear a loud SCREECH as an alien rushes toward you, you'll crap your pants every time! Awesome scary game experience. Never played another quite like it before or since.
Dino Crisis has emotionally disturbed me...
Kai said:
ok, so this isnt really a video game but any way...

my friend wanted me to do this goolge scare maze(you move the mouse without hiting the edge or you have to start over) so twords the end you are really consentrating on getting throught it, and right before you finish this madusa looking face apears with a loud screaming sound. im 16 years old and i screamed like a girl.

the funny part is that i saw some other people doing the same thing on youtube, so i knew what was going to happen.
haha i jump everytime i do it ;)
u got the link handy so others can use it?
A few from RE4:

1. The dogs standing there by the bridge, after getting the 2nd half of the moonstone in the garden, didn't expect them to be there *L*

2. The first and second regenerator

3. The regenerator in the dark prison cell later in the game

4. The chainsaw guy when you first get your head cut off *LOL*

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