
Well some are rumors on there wiichat members have already dicussed, like the Miis in Animal Crossing. Although I truly doubt that that most of these rumors are true it was still interesting especially this one:

New Miyamoto IP

Miyamoto is working on a new IP on a similar scale to Zelda. It is codenamed ´The Rise of Darkness´.

It is said to be an online-only title, perhaps an MMO. Miyamoto wants every day to be different in the game. An older rumour on the same site pointed to a game that mixed elements of the real world with science fiction and spritual elements, loosely inspired by Buddhism. Gameplay-wise it was described as mixture between Zelda and Shenmue.
I hope they are true because they sure sound cool. That Project 3 thing like the iPhone replacing the DS is also interesting.
There is no credibility in any of that. All it is is some guys blog.

Best think on that page
"I have been in contact with user B. (anonymized for the time being) who has close ties to the site and has kindly been able to clarify some points and add some detail. I have known him for some time and think of him as a reliable enough source to post this.

However, I would like to remind everyone that all of these rumours are entirely unfounded. I have not been able to verify anything posted below. If true, the content must be classified as highly confidential, so I am led to doubt its authenticity altogether. I suggest you do the same."

Could of at least spell checked it!
lol well uve got our hopes up :)
as mentioned above the new IP sounds awesome! and the new channels includeing the 'wii talk' (or whatever) sound promising as i thought a wii chatroom turned into a channel so that only wii users could access it would be awesome, COME ON NINTENDO MAKE THESE HAPPEN!!! :p
The miyamoto/mmo rumours are the most interesting, i think nintendo's general gameplay design strengths could lead to some amazing online games, they just need to find their own way of aproaching it...this is probably the hardest part for them and why it's taking a little longer than most expected.

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