*RUMOR*: Wii Sports 2 in development?


Nintendo Wii
Dec 7, 2006
If you loved the first Wii sports, then cross your fingers, because it has been rumored that the sequel to the Wii's pack-in title is coming. It has a been rumored to include Basketball,Swimming, Hockey, Volleyball, and Horseback Riding. It has also been rumored to include online play. A release date was not given. Remember that this is a rumor, so I wouldn't recommend holding your breath for it.

Source: http://www.ngcfrance.com/news.php?operande=0&idx=6604&r=1
Yeah its going to be hell good. Swimming is going to be interesting!

Ohh and by the way theres already a thread on this.
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Icetrash said:
Yeah its going to be hell good. Swimming is going to be interesting!

Ohh and by the way theres already a thread on this.

Great now about 10 more people will be like "use the search" LOL.. anyways for the folks the missed the first thread... heres the next one about it! :)
I didn't know it was a "rumor". always thought that they were actually making it ><
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Icetrash said:
What do you mean "IF" they made another? Its already been confirmed its in development!

Got any source to back it up that its "in development" ? I can't find one after doing some searching? Last I heard this is just a rumor...
If it's online, it'll be worth the purchase. If not, I won't be buying it.
worth a rental...i cant wait for basketball game...but hoping that the 2k series will step in heh...i wonder what the controls would be like for a bball game

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