Rumor: Huge New Super Smash Bros. Brawl Feature

Creat your own character sounds sweet. But that would delay production on the game so we will have to wait longer :(
It would be cool if it was RPG Style, like DBZ:BT2 but better of course cuz its Nintendo!
It may of already of been in the processing and estimated for this in time :p they might of just kept it secret well lol
Well you can still do that. I dont think it will require you to create a character.
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I was just guessing. There's a fact that there's a rumour, but create a character is not the rumour. It's just a general thing. Kindda of like Reggie and his BS presents.

Internet gossip:wtf:
sonic is super smash bros...its a old rumour but if it is true then this game will be alot more popular.

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