Router problems


WiiChat Member
Jun 12, 2007
I like many others have trouble connecting to the internet with a router/modem.

This is the problem: I keep getting error message 52020 when I plug the Datel LAN Adapter into the Wii, use a cable into the modem.

I use a NetGear FS105 modem, which is cable of course.

Can anyone please help me with this? Thanks in advance.
Chances are your Datel LAN Adapter is incompatible (just like most other LAN adaptors are). You need to get the Wii LAN Adaptor which is specifically for the Wii.
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Is that the only option though? I just got the Datel adapter today and following the instructions given didn't help me go online. Do you happen to know how to configure the router though?
Goku said:
Do you happen to know how to configure the router though?
Sorry Goku, that's all the help I can give you. Hope I was of use though.

ETA: actually, you could also consider getting a wireless router.
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I will try that ciper. Thank you so much. If I actually had any rep power I'd rep you for it. :p

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