connecting ADSL modem to Router...


WiiChat Member
May 18, 2007
how do i connect modem to wireless router?

my Wii cannot see the internet at the mo....

basically the wireless network is showing and has full strength signal but it is not connected to the internet.

This is because the DSL cable from the filter can only go to either the router OR the modem and therefore when im connecting to the internet it is because the modem is connected, the router isnt...


if i have my filter in the wall,
DSL cable from there to modem
modem plugged into PC via USB
Router plugged into PC Via Ethernet
How can i connect the modem to the router?

Modem has one slot for DSL thats all

tried plugging one filter into the wall, another filter into the first filter and then a DSL calble from each, one into router and one into didnt work!

would a phone splitter at the wall work so i could then plug in two filters directly into the wall...

how do other people do this? im confused!
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By the way, im using a non wifi PC with a USB 802.11g standard USB to make the PC wireless
ok you plug the router into the DSl via the erthernet cable and then plug you PC via erthernet into the router via one of the other LAN ports on your router

ie. wall>filter>DSL modem>wireless router>PC

also if you have the Wifi adapter for the PC them you wont need to plug anything into the PC at all
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The Wall>Filter>modem bit is ok...

but then what im trying to say is that i cannot then connect the modem the the router...

the DSL cable goes from the filter to the modem, this means there are no spare slots in the modem so the modem cannot be connected to the router..

i didnt even think i needed to use a router if i bought the USB wireless thing. i thought that effectively worked by giving out a wireless signal from the PC!?
salad82 said:
The Wall>Filter>modem bit is ok...

but then what im trying to say is that i cannot then connect the modem the the router...

the DSL cable goes from the filter to the modem, this means there are no spare slots in the modem so the modem cannot be connected to the router..

i didnt even think i needed to use a router if i bought the USB wireless thing. i thought that effectively worked by giving out a wireless signal from the PC!?
im not sure i dont use a wireless USB adapter, why doesnt your modem have an erthernet spot on the back?
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it is a modem that i got free from my broadband supplier...

im guessing some modems come with ethernet in the back then so that you can then connect the modem to the router via ethernet!!?

thanks for the quick replies...

i dont want to have to go and buy a new modem really so need to try and find a way of getting the modem connected to the router (via DSL as its the only option)

i just dont understand how as the DSL can only go from the wayy to one or the other (modem or router) not both.

from reading your post i take it that your modem is USB?

unless it has an ethernet WAN port, you won't be able to connect a router.

for ADSL connections (BT, tiscali, sky etc) you need a combined ADSL/Modem Router. this device is basically a modem and wireless router in one box.
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i have a BT wireless modem that i got for free but dont have BT internet anymore then Bulldog broadband....which is a modem with just one DSL slot and nothing else..

could i not get a modem that i could connect to the router via USB or something?

do i even NEED to be using the router if i have USB dongle?
unfortunately, i'm not aware of a router which you can use with your current modem.

as you have mentioned, with a wifi dongle you don't need a router.

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