Rock Band gets someone evicted


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
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Take note
Rocking out is nosiy
Harmonix may be facing complaints about problems with the quality of Rock Band's initial guitar peripherals and the PS3 version not working with Guitar Hero accessories, but they can't really be blamed for this one: one lucky Rock Band forumite claims he's being playing the game so much he's actually getting evicted.
"We technically didn't get evicted...yet. But we have ten days to get out before we do get evicted," 'luminary_pants' explains in a post (spotted on Kotaku) proudly displaying a "10 Day Compliance Notice". "Residents of the Grand Oaks Apartment Home community have complained of loud noise disturbances before and after the hours of 10:00pm," it says.
Although the notice claims that it is "not an eviction notice" (and indeed claims they can get out of it by simply not being obnoxiously loud), Mr Pants later claims he has until 1st December to bugger off. "You have some asshole neighbours," a note of sympathy from 'SoberScott' reads. "My suggestion: Crank it to 11 for the next 10 days."
Of course, dobbing in your neighbours for being loud is a bit wimpy. What we suggest is going upstairs in your dressing gown at 2am, knocking on the door and then shouting "SHUT THE **** UP OR I'LL BURN YOU ALL ALIVE". There's no way out of my building if your front door's on fire, I reckon. Think about that, "Ben".
He should just make the most of it while he can.

Leave his music on full blast for the next 10 says :lol:
Ouch...must be an ass of a Landlord. You would think he would give him the option of just quitting the noise making.
ssbb_lover said:
Ouch...must be an ass of a Landlord. You would think he would give him the option of just quitting the noise making.

He has been given the option..

Regarding Eviction:

"and indeed claims they can get out of it by simply not being obnoxiously loud"
Yes, but then it says that the guy states he must leave or he'd be evicted. There's obviously something he's not telling us, but it still sounds that regardless of this so called "choice" he was given, he's being forced out.
Lmao, my neighbours keep me up till late, their bathroom is next to my room and they have showers at like 12PM and it's so loud it sounds like the showers in my room.. let's see how they like it when I play Guitar Hero 3 till 4 in the morning.
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surfinrach90 said:
Lmao, my neighbours keep me up till late, their bathroom is next to my room and they have showers at like 12PM and it's so loud it sounds like the showers in my room.. let's see how they like it when I play Guitar Hero 3 till 4 in the morning.

Welcome to my world

Im up all night
But you dont get the taste of blood in your mouth all the time
To be honest, he doesn't actually have to play the game that loudly. He can simply turn down his sound and everyone will be happy.
Byuakuya said:
To be honest, he doesn't actually have to play the game that loudly. He can simply turn down his sound and everyone will be happy.

I agree.. he definitely put himself in that position. There is no excuse for the blatant disregard of your neighbors and it seems that after several complaints he was too stubborn to push the volume down button.

I wonder how many times the cops have shown up if any.
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Byuakuya said:
To be honest, he doesn't actually have to play the game that loudly. He can simply turn down his sound and everyone will be happy.

Its a rock based game
Rock = Best played loud

surfinrach90 said:
Lmao, my neighbours keep me up till late, their bathroom is next to my room and they have showers at like 12PM and it's so loud it sounds like the showers in my room.. let's see how they like it when I play Guitar Hero 3 till 4 in the morning.

Surfin heres a good Idea: play the loudest song on guitar hero 3 and blast your volume to the max on your tv and play until 6:00 AM every night until your neighbors stop taking showers at 12:00 AM and they will learn a lesson.
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Surfin heres a good Idea: play the loudest song on guitar hero 3 and blast your volume to the max on your tv and play until 6:00 AM every night until your neighbors stop taking showers at 12:00 AM and they will learn a lesson.

Or get me to come round with my sound system
Bwahahahaa! Whadda Dumbass... I Think It's His Fault For Doing It... Hey, Here's Another Idea... If Your Neighbors COmplain About The Music, Turn It Up Till They Move Away.
Well I hope that the episode of South Park is wrong, I hope kids don't choose to learn this thing and think they have talent and forget about real instruments. I know it is only a game, but the way things are going in this world it would not suprise me.

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