Rock Band 2 DLC on SD card - please help!


Old Lady Noob
Nov 8, 2007
Wii Online Code
I searched the forums as best I could and could not find an answer for this so please forgive me if this has already been asked/answered. I also must warn you that I have the world's weakest internet connection and JUST got the Wii connected, so please forgive my cluelessness here.

Just got RB2 for Wii yesterday, and downloaded one of the free songs just to test out the DLC capabilities. It automatically downloaded to the Wii hard drive, so I copied it to the SD card and erased the original on the hard drive. I left the original RB2 game data on the hard drive. Not sure if this is important, but the SD card is actually a micro-SD with an adapter to make it fit in the SD slot. It is a good quality card and does show up on the Data Management screen just fine, but does it matter whether it is a micro-SD?

When I fire up the game, it says that it is updating the data from the SD card and that the SD card is enabled. However, when I go through the menus, the DLC song is not on any of the playable lists (neither on Quickplay nor on Make-a-Setlist in Tour mode). What am I doing wrong here? Please help! How do I store and play the DLC songs?

Thanks for your help!!
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Okay, now I have a revision to my question...

I found someone else in the RB website forum who had a similar problem with a song he had tried to download and gotten an error while downloading. That DID happen when I was trying to download (I have a crappy internet connection) so I tried again today and while it worked, it doesn't show up anywhere.

I tried again with another song and when it downloaded on the first try, it automatically copied to the SD and now shows up in the song list(s). So, apparently the issue only happens if you fail to download the song on the first try.

Any ideas?
To clarify, you manually went into the Wii memory and moved the file to the SD card?

Either way, I think your best bet is to delete the DLC files (not the save file, leave that on the Wii). Make sure when you start the game up that you have the card in and enable SD card mode when it asks you while starting up. Jump bank into the store and re-download the files and they should move over to the SD card automatically.
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Yes, that's correct - moved the song manually from the Wii memory to the SD card.

I'll try deleting/redownloading again; if that doesn't work maybe I can try deleting the save file and starting over from the beginning (I just got the game and have played for less than an hour, so no great loss). I'm glad it was just a free song, but it was one that I liked so I hope I can get it!

Thanks for the help!

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