Robotnik: Data Log and Discussion


Sonic expert
Jan 25, 2009
Wii Online Code
This page is used for discussing the Robotnik fan fiction found here>

Also, Ill be keeping a data log of all the key characters, items, groups, people of interest, weapons, technology, ect. in the OP. This may take some time so please be patient. Till then feel free to discuss the story, give helpful pointers, or just let me know what you think. Feedback on my work is always greatly appreciated.

EDIT: CK made me realize that this being a Nintendo forum, there's a chance that a few readers might have grown up playin only Nintendo consoles instead of Genesis players like me, so Ill be posting a brief history on the entire Sonic the Hedgehog series leading up to where the Robotnik story takes place.

Sonic the Hedgehog retrospective
Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
The story of the original game for the Sega Genesis was simple. You play as Sonic the Hedgehog, a blue-furred cartoonish hedgehog with the ability of super speed. Sonics known for being able to easily run faster than the speed of sound. His main offensive attribute isn't his speed though, its an ability common amoungst all hedgehogs, even real ones, that is initially a defense mechanism but weaponized by Sonic to use in his mission to save the world. Its the ability to curl into a ball, bearing his spikey sharp quills. Ne uses this every time he jumps, can roll into enemies after gaining enough momentum, and later in the sequel to the original learns to charge a spin dash in place and shoot off, rolling through obstacles and shreading through enemies.
The main objective in the game is to free the several small animals trapped inside of robots and containers, and stop the evil scientist who created these robots, Dr. Robotnik, from taking over the world. Dr. Robotnik is a human scientist with an IQ over 300 and specialize in robotics. He uses his knowledge to create and army of robots to do his bidding and create several high tech vehicles and mech suits in wich he controls himself. After several trials and difficult levels, Sonic finds his way into Robotniks mother base, hidden deep in the underground Labrynth Ruins. After an intense battle with Robotnik inside a trap room full of lasers and pressurized pillars ment to crush the hedgehog, Sonic destroys the base and reduces Robotniks army to almost nothing.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992)
Robotnik returns with a much more devistating plan. With his army of robot rebuilt, his motivation for world conquest high, and his anger at the hedgehog even higher, Dr. Robotnik begins construction on the Death Egg, a new mother base that doubles as a giant space station and most importantly, triples as a powerful weapon of mass destruction capable of destroying an entire planet. Sonic, teamed with his new sidekick Miles "Tails" Prower, seek out to bring down the Death Egg before Robotnik can finish buling it.
Tails is a young fox born with two tails, thus giving him the nickname. Throughout most of his life, he was emotionally tourmented for being different. People in his villiage did not take well with him having two tails, and even his parents felt ashamed and embarassed of their son, eventually disowning him. Casted out, deemed a freak, Miles ran away from his home and searched for someone that would understand and accept him. After getting lost in a nearby forrest, all he finds is trouble in the form of several of Robotniks robots. Sonic arrives just in time to save him and they meet. A strong brotherly bond was born that day. Sonic taught Tails how to use his tails as a useful tool for keeping up with Sonic as they sped across the world. Tails would eventually use this to teach himself how to fly using his tails as propellers like a helicopter. Tails would also prove that he is in fact a mechanical genius almost on par with Dr. Robotnik, creating gadgets and gizmos to aid them in their adventure.
Sonic and Tails made their way to the Wing Fortress, a giant flying fortress built by Robotnik, via the Tornado, an airplane built by Tails. They boarded the Wing Fortress and made their way to the space shuttle on board. Using this, Sonic takes it alone and heads to the Death Egg orbiting in space around the Earth. When he finally made it he had a final bout with a robotic copy of himself named Steel Sonic, which would be the prototype for much more powerful robotic copies of Sonic later down the road, and funally a giant Robotnik like mech suit bot driven by Robotnik himself. Sonic defeats Robotnik and causes the Death Egg to loose control of itself, sending it plumeting to the Earth.

The next two games were ment to be one entire game, but Sega imagined a game way too large that was already pushing the Genesis to its maximum potential that they had to seperate their original idea for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 into the two games Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles. The reason for such a large game was that they wanted to have a Sonic game of the most epic purportions. They beefed everything up, they wanted to send Sonic off in his most epic adventure to save the world. To let players experience such an epic game, they made the cartridge for Sonic & Knuckles unique. It had a section on top where you could connect another Genesis game cartridge onto it. Plugging Sonic 3 into Sonic & Knuckles would allow you to play through the whole giant of a game in its entirity. Plugging in Sonic 2 would allow you to play as Knuckles through Sonic 2. Plugging in any other Genesis game would allow you to play the bonus stages hidden in Sonic & Knuckles back to back.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (1994)
The expectations for this game were so high, and the work put into it was so grueling, and the hype so overwhelming, the day of its release was dubbed "Hedgehog Day" by gamers world wide. Sonic 3 is part 1 of 2 of Sonics most epic adventure. Dr. Robotnik seeking revenge upon Sonic and Tails hopes to revive his dream of his ultimate weapon, the Death Egg. While looking for the best power source for the Death Egg he stumbles across a very powerful energy reading. The source was coming from a mysterious forbidden floating island in the sky. The island was a thing of legend since ancient times, known as Angel Island. Robotnik immediately heads for the floating island. When there he is confronted by the islands sole guardian. A red echidna named Knuckles. Knuckles is the last surviving member of an ancient race of echidna who inhabitted Angel Island. As the last of his kind its his sole purpouse in life to guard the island and especially guard the islands mysterious power source. A large magical gem with amazing power known as the Master Emerald. The Master Emerald is half of an ancient emerald of unknown origin which had enough power locked inside to destroy entire planets. The ancient echidnas feared its power and broke it into eight pieces. One piece is the large Master Emerald which they relied on to keep their island floating in the sky, the others where the much smaller yet when together equally as powerful but use a polar opposite wavelength of energy seven Chaos Emeralds, which were featured in the previous games but only as a side quest through bonus stages and would not serve any purpouse in the story of the games until the Dreamcast days. Robotnik tricked Knuckles into believing he came to the island to warn and assist him in protecting the Master Emerald from and evil trouble maker by the name of Sonic the Hedgehog. Knuckles was eventually convinced that Dr. Robotnik was telling the truth and allowed him to stay on the island. Later the Master Emerald was stollen while Knuckles was out preparring for the arrival of Sonic. Robotnik told him that it must have been Sonic or someone who is helping Sonic, all the while Robotnik had the Master emerald transported to the Launch Base he had quickly built on the island where the construction of the new Death Egg was occuring.
Sonic and Tails would eventually be stirred by Robotniks silence as of late, and when the mysterious floating island came crashing down into the sea they felt as if Robotnik was behind it, leading them to go and check things out. When they arrived they too were confronted by Knuckles. Knuckles, convinced that Sonic was to blame for all the happenings on the island, would not listen to Sonic or Tails's words of reason. He fled into the thick island forrest and tracked Sonic and Tails in hopes that they would eventually lead him to where they had hidden the Master Emerald. The island proved to be increadibly dangerous to Sonic and Tails. Crawling with robots and all of its natural hazards and tough terrain slowed them in their search for Dr. Robotnik. Knuckles continued to track them while fighting off robots himself, believing them to be working for a certain robot that has attacked him on several counts. This robot was secretly sent out by Dr. Robotnik to make sure Knuckles did not find out who really took the Master Emerald, slow him down if he came close to finding out, and destroy him if he did find out. Sonic would eventually make his way to the Launch Base. There he stopped the nearly complete Death Egg in mid launch. The Death Egg came crashing down to the islands surface as the game ends with Sonic falling to the island himself, leaving it appearant that the story is far from over.

Sonic & Knuckles (1994)
The continuation of Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles starts out exactly where Sonic 3 left off. Sonic falls from the Launch Base after stopping the Death Egg in mid launch. The Death Egg crash lands into the island, causeing a huge crater with part of the giant space station/weapon burried deep beneath the islands crust. Sonic lands in a forest far in the other side of the island and begins searching for Tails, who he had been seperated from in the comotion. Along the way he runs into more powerful robots, Knuckles again who still believes Sonic is the cause of all this, and Robotnik himself, finding out that the doctor is still attempting at launching the Death Egg. Knuckles journeys through the jungle himself, being a playable character this time around, focusing this time more on the robots invading his island rather than Sonic being his main objective. Both Sonic & Knuckles run into each other multiple times during their quests on the island, but ultimately battle it out in the ruins where the Master Emerald once was. While fighting, Knuckles finds Robotnik on his way to return the Master Emerald, in which he had lost when the Death Egg was brought down, to the Death Egg. Knuckles saw everything clearly after that and helped Sonic defeat Dr. Robotnik to return the Master Emerald. In his attempt of retrieving the emerald, Knuckles was stunned by a powerful tazer like weapon of Robotniks, greatly injuring and disabling the echidna. Robotnik escapes, Knuckles assists Sonic by showing him a short way out of the ruins and to the Sky Sanctuary where Robotnik was headed. Knuckles was still injured and couldn't go after Robotnik himself, so he pleaded to Sonic to retrieve the emerald for him. Sonic agreed and chased after Robotnik. His chase lead him through the sky sanctuary and onto the Death Egg as it relaunches for a second time. While Sonic was dealing with Robotnik in the spacebound Death Egg, Knuckles gathers his strength and makes his way through the sky sanctuary in hopes of finding a way to board the Death Egg to assist Sonic. There, he runs into a fearsomly powerful robot. Quick, strong, tall and surging with power of the Master Emerald, this robotic copy of Sonic named Mecha Sonic attacked Knuckles. Knuckles fought for his life against the threatening Mecha Sonic as Sonic battled it out with a giant robot being manned by Robotnik and being powered by the Master Emerald kept at its core. Knuckles destroys the Mecha Sonic as Sonic chases after an escaping Robotnik after his robot had been destroyed. In a last ditch effort, and as a bonus final battle if you collected all seven Chaos Emeralds, Robotnik manages to make it to a modifyed version of his previous Robot Sonic destroyed and escapes into the astroid belt outside of the Earths atmosphere. Sonic uses the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super Sonic, a golden Sonic that is invincible, can fly and almost as fast as the speed of light, to chase after Robotnik in space. Super Sonic catches up to the robot, destroys it and brings back the Master Emerald to Earth. Upon returning to the atmosphere, Sonic runs out of energy and begins to fall, but is saved by Tails who catches him and the emerald with his plane the Tornado. The Master Emerald is returned to the the ruins of Angle Island and begins to use its power to levitate the island out of the ocean, placing it high in the sky once again. Knuckles and Sonic exchange thanks and goodbyes and part ways.

Sonic CD (1993)

Though it was released after Sonic the Hedgehog 2, the events in Sonic CD take place after Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Sonic ventures out on his own to see the world. He eventually stops by the famous Never Lake for the festival that happens once a year. The festival is to celebrate the mysterious Little Planet, a smal planet that appears over Never Lake each December. At the festival he meets a pink female hedgehog by the name of Amy Rose. Amy, being Sonics biggest fan, follows him around the festival. Sonic let's her tag along seeing how excited she is. When Little Planet finnaly appears over the lake, much to everyones surprise it was chained to a nearby mountain and incased in metal. Sonic, knowing Robotnik was behind it, ran up the chain towards the planet, not knowing Amy was following behind. Once there, Sonic realized the intire planet had been transformed into a new Robotnik base. Robotnik plans to use the planets special time warping properties to devise a way to rule the earth. Sonic find Amy had followed him to the planet and told her shed best be returning back to the lake before things get too dangerous. Just as he had finish talking with her, Amy was snatched away by a new Sonic robotic copy, Metal Sonic. Just as fast as Sonic and more intelligent, Metal Sonic is the most powerful and threatening Sonic copy to this day in the series. Sonic searches for Amy and Metal Sonic through the planet, all the while attempting to stop Robotnik and his plan. Eventually this leads him to Stardust Speedway where he engages in a race against Metal Sonic. After beating Metal Sonic, the two battle it out resulting in Metal Sonics destruction. Sonic triggers the bases self desctruction after saving Amy and the two make it back to Never Lake just in time. The base falls apart and the planet returns to normal. Robotnik nearly gets caught in the destruction but manages to escape without Sonic noticing. Amy is extremely grateful for her rescue and falls deeply in love with Sonic, to the point to where she tells everyone that she is his girlfriend. She will go on to constantly follow Sonic in an attempt to win him over. This will eventuall become his biggest annoyance.

Sonic Adventure (1999)
Sonic Adventure was Sonics first full 3D game. Released on the then new DreamCast it somewhat broke away from the traditional style of gameplay while still keeping a lot of elements from the older games. The story begins with Knuckles guarding the Master Emerald on Angel Island. Suddenly the Master Emerald shatters and a mysterious creature forms from where the emerald once was. The creature quickly dissapears, leaving Knuckles paniced and confused. As Angel Island crashes onto the seas below Knuckles makes it his main objective to restore the Master Emerald by collecting all the shards that have scattered far away. Then players find Sonic racing through the streets of a city called Station Square, where he suddenly sees a group of police cars hurrying along with their sirens blarring. Being the hero he is, he follows them to see if he can help. When he finds that they reached their destination he sees the police firing at a strange looking water-like monster. Their weapons prove useless against the creature so Sonic jumps the the scene before it can attack the policemen. After a short fight between the two, the creature turns into a puddle and retreats by dripping into a drainage hole leading to the sewers. Sonic asks himself out loud what that was right before players see Dr. Robotnik (now using his original Japanese name Dr. Eggman) atop a building watching the fight, saying, "You fool! Its Chaos! The God of Destruction!" The next day Sonic sees Tails in the distant sky flying his plane, the Tornado. The plane malfunctions and crash lands on a nearby beach. Sonic goes to his aid and pulls Tails from the crash debris. Tails tells him that he was experimenting with a new energy sorce for the plane, the energy sorce being a Chaos Emerald. They begin to head back to Tails workshop in the Mystic Ruins region, but are stopped by Dr. Eggman. After Sonic and Tails fight him off, Dr. Eggman quickly snatches the Chaos Emerald from Tails. Chaos suddenly appears and Eggman throws the Chaos Emerald to it. It absorbs the emerald and transforms into a larger and stronger form. Eggman explains that Chaos can harness the massive amounts of energy from the Chaos Emeralds, and with each one he absorbs the stronger he gets. After they leave, Sonic and Tails race to find the remaining Chaos Emeralds before Eggman and Chaos can. While they search for the Chaos Emeralds, Knuckles arrives in Station Square in search of shards from the Master Emerald. In a ballroom section of a large hotel, his search leads him to Eggman and Chaos. Knuckles, remembering Chaos from Angel Island, imediately engages a fight, in which he wins. Before Knuckles can do more damage, Eggman lies to Knuckles telling him that Sonic has a large some of the shards and doesn't plan on sharing them. Knuckles doesn't believe this but as he thinks about it the two villains slip away. Knuckles later see Sonic and Tails from afar. At the distance, the Chaos Emerald in Sonic hand looked like a shard to the Master Emerald. Knuckles went to the Mystic Ruins, where he saw they were planning to go to, and waited for them near the large waterfall in that area. Sonic and Tails arrive and show their excitement to see Knuckles. Their friendly hellos were meet with Knuckles taking swings at the two. When they asked him what was wrong with him, he only demanded that they hand over the gems they collected. Sonic and Tails, thinking he meant the Chaos Emeralds, told him they would never. A fight begins and in the process Knuckles sees the two gems they had weren't the shards. Just then Eggman swoops in and feeds the two Chaos Emeralds to Chaos. Chaos tranforms into a large shark like creature and fights the three heroes. Eggman and Choas then retreat to the Egg Carrier, a massive flying ship created by Eggman. Sonic and Tails chase it in the Tornado, but are shot down by its massive laser cannon. During the crash, Sonic and Tails are seperated. The two go their own ways to fund the Chaos Emeralds and to stop Chaos from growing more powerful. Along the way Sonic runs into Amy, much to his dissmay, who has come to Station Square because she heard that he was there. As they were talking, a large clunky robot appeared and jarted towards the two. Amy quickly told Sonic of how ever since she made friends with a Flicky (mysterious small birds in the series) she found in the city she had been chased by that robot. Sonic plans to fight off the robot, but Amy advises him to run. In their arguement to run or fight, Amy is eventually kidnapped by the robot. Sonic chases after the surprisingly eluding machine through a Station Square amusement park. The robot hides and escapes from Sonics search. It then brings Amy to a base of Eggmans hidden in the forrests of the Mystic Ruins. There she is transported to the holding cells of the Egg Carrier.
Tails, while on his journey, meets Big, a large, fat, mentally dense cat who loves to fish. Big is in search of his pet/friend named Froggy. Froggy is a small frog that ran away from home after becoming possesed by Chaos's tail. After Froggy grew a tail and became possesed, he lost all sense of himself as a part of Choas took over his mind. Unknown to Big, Froggy searches for Chaos so that he can return the tail, making Chaos complete. Everyones journey eventually leads them onboard the Egg Carrier where Sonic faces off against Chaos Six (Chaos after absorbing six of the seven Chaos Emeralds). Sonic seemingly defeats the creature and Knuckles restores the Master Emerald, but takes the Chaos Emeralds with him. Angel Island never leaves the sea after the emerald is restored because the Chaos Emeralds are negating the power of the Master Emerald. While trying to figure out what is happening, Choas in his basic form appears and knicks Knuckles unconcious. It then absorbes all seven Chaos Emeralds, becoming Perfect Chaos, a giant water-like beast capable of flooding the entire planet. The cast of characters find themselves in a flooded, destroyed, chaotic Station Square. While thinking of how to defeat the monster, Eggman charges the beast in his giant Egg Carrier, only to be shot out of the air by Chaos's beam emitted from its mouth. Sonic then absorbs the positive energy left inside the Chaos Emeralds (Chaos only used the negetive energy) and became Super Sonic. Super Sonic flew through the flooded streets and battled it out with the ancient god. In the end Super Sonic prevailed. The beast returned to its basic form, when Tikal, the spirit of a female echidna from the ancient echidna race, explained that Chaos was once a guaridan god of the Master Emerald as Knuckles is today. When the ancient echidna tribe foolishly sought to take the Master Emerald for themselves to ensure no one else would, Chaos wiped most of the tribe out, leaving only a handful of echidna left in the world. The events sealed Chaos and Tikal inside the Master Emerald for hundreds of years, only to be relewased by Eggman recently. Chaos and Tikal moved on into their after life as the adventure comes to a close.
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"Yeah yeah," the hedgehog replied "I know who you are. You're the creep that's been causing all this trouble around the world the past couple of years. The name's Sonic, I'm here to see to it that you can't stir up any more problems." The doctor looked up from his bowed stance. "Oh? Well Sonic I regret to inform you that it wont be as easy as expected. I've yet to fully realize my dream ambitions and I tend to see to it that they are fulfilled. But why waste all of your efforts at such a futile attempt when there are other options? You could join me in my conquest. I could use someone like you in my mission to rule this world. I can see to it that you will have no want in this life. Everything you ever wanted, ever dreamed of could be yours my friend."

Sonic looked at Dr. Eggman as if trying to figure out if he's serious. Then replied. "As if Egg-head. That's not really my style." The hedgehog said with a chuckle, then charged for the doctors hovercraft as it released a giant ball attached by a chain.
This part bugs me. I just don't see Robotnik making an attempt to side with Sonic.
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Have been really busy lately, will start posting again soon.
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Sonic retrospective updated with Sonic 3
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This part bugs me. I just don't see Robotnik making an attempt to side with Sonic.

Well it was their first meeting, a lot has changed since then. Robotnik does seem the type to exploit any and all advatages he can.
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Well aren't they fighting a bigger enemy, so its understandable

Well, yes and no. The story of the fanfic revolves around a greater threat opposing Robotnik and the rest of the world, but the scene Wii Assasin is referring to is a flashback of the first meeting between Sonic and Dr. Robotnik, referencing the first boss battle of the first game.

On another note, Ill be posting another bit of the fanfic soon.
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Retrospective updated with Sonic & Knuckles.
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Sonic retrospective updated with Sonic CD.
Robotnik updated with new entry.
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Robotnik updated with new post
Sonic Retrospective updated with Sonic Adventure

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