Only took 4 years to get1
Since, Pit's (Kid Icarus) appearance in, SSBB, there have been many rumors about Kid Icarus being revived from its old NES and Gameboy series, and making its way onto the Wii.
There is no reason for this game NOT to be made. Pit can fly, there would be no problem controlling him on the Wii, Pit has got a bow and arrow, we know this can be done and it will work (as with Zelda), and they could expand his weaponry.
Also, In a 2005 interview with IGN, game designer Shigeru Miyamoto hinted that a new Kid Icarus game could be released for the Wii console. "Well who knows?"
At E3 2006, after introducing Super Smash Bros. Brawl (in which Pit will be a playable character), Miyamoto suggested that Kid Icarus could very possibly appear on the Wii at a later date (and he didn't mean SSBB). I know it was a suggestion, but we also know what Miyamoto can do, especially when its "very possible".
People have wanted to see Kid Icarus revived for a very long time, here are some mock ups from fans, that hopefully we agree would have been great, and is still very possible on the DS:
Check out this video, this guy feels the same way as me and he talks a little more about why we might possibly see Kid Icarus for the Wii.
Its very interesting:
There is almost no reason NOT to think this game will make its way to the Wii sometime. Hopefully we will see this game in the near future of the Wii's life. It can be said that this would be a great game to go side by side in your game collection next to Zelda.
I hope this will happen, I'm backing it 100%.
What do you guys think? Should it be done; would it be good; will it happen?
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