retro controlers for VC??


WiiChat Member
Sep 17, 2006
just wondering if anyone knows if nintendo is thinking about making an adapter, or a whole new controler so that you could play N64 with an n64 controler. The new vc controler dosnt look like it has enough buttons. Another thing i though would be sweet would be if they made a vc controler adapter that would allow you to use all the old controlers on the wi, like you could use nes, snes, n64, genesis. or even just n64 since the new vc controler is almost like a snes/nes controler.

my $.02
I can see Nintendo making a pearl-white N64-style controller for VC games, sure. I doubt we will see an adapter that would let us actually use any of the old controllers though.
NateTheGreat said:
I can see Nintendo making a pearl-white N64-style controller for VC games, sure. I doubt we will see an adapter that would let us actually use any of the old controllers though.
Well there is a wii controller looking very much like a SNES controller but with additional anolog sticks on. Its called the 'classic' wii controller so it may be for the VC, heres a picture:
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ya ive seen pics of the retro controler, thing is it dosnt look like it has enough buttons to play n64 games. i mean there are no c buttonsthe only way you could hae c buttons on that controler would be to use the top two buttons on the right, and the little buttons on the top, and that would get confusing. unless there buttons on the back?

dbinder1987 said:
ya ive seen pics of the retro controler, thing is it dosnt look like it has enough buttons to play n64 games. i mean there are no c buttonsthe only way you could hae c buttons on that controler would be to use the top two buttons on the right, and the little buttons on the top, and that would get confusing. unless there buttons on the back?

I think the C Stick doubles up as the C-Buttons.
Dr Luigi said:
Well there is a wii controller looking very much like a SNES controller but with additional anolog sticks on. Its called the 'classic' wii controller so it may be for the VC, heres a picture:
it IS for the virtual console. most pple know that by now.
I want the full experence when im gaiming when play OoT. I Would love to have a 64 controller to play it with. They could make it pearl white as NateTheGreat said and they would have to inprove the joystig and make it like the GCN. I don't want my controll to be flicked and have the Joystig ruined like the 64.

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