Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles - Why We Shouldn't Write It Off Just Yet

i thought everyone knew for a long time it was going to be a rail shooter type of game... at least i have always thought that like ever since it was announced. I think that it will be alot of fun i loved Resident Evil: Survivor. I mean of course it was different from the originals but there was still fun to be had in that game but i tend to like stuff that other people think is crap cause they are not just like the games before them.
The train went round the track and she blew...your head off!!!

Hey Corey,

The gin must be working - a rant only 1000 words long, you must be slipping :devil: :D LOL I enjoyed the article and it only took 3 hours to read!!!! [the rate per word must be on a high!]


Excited as I am to experience RE4 with motion controls, it will be very interesting to see how well implemented they are. As witnessed with Ubisoft's rather mixed efforts, it's not just a case of slapping motion sensitive abilities into an existing game and watching the title prosper; there has to be more thought than that for it to truly work. The Godfather: Blackhand Edition is a prime example of how to do it. FarCry Vengeance isn’t. If Capcom ruins what could ultimately be the definitive version of one of the best games ever created, then you can imagine the uproar. The Wii version of RE4, at budget price, has the potential to be so damn good that even people like me -a person who despises 'double dip' purchases with all his gin-soaked heart- can't fail to be tempted in re-buying.

Well I've got to agree wholeheartedly - RE4 on the 'cube was one of the most visual / atmospherically playable games, I've certainly ever come across and it would certainly be a shame to let the series down, I personally can't see it - after all; SSX and Tiger Woods all got fairly good treatments, so it's not going to be a full stretch of the imagination to think that it will be upto normal expectations....can it...:idea: More GIN anyone???

In the meantime, though, it costs nothing to be slightly optimistic. Because even with the disappointment of not getting another 'true' Resident Evil game, it's apparent that should Wii's RE4 remake gather impressive sales then it's fair to expect another RE title down the line that makes use of Capcom's development assets and finally gives us what we thought Umbrella Chronicles was going to be in the first place; a third-person survival horror action title. Conversely, if UC does well, if not better than its stable-mate, then we're just as likely to get sequels to that. Both Wii titles could easily spawn follow-ups that survive independently of each other, given the development teams are separate. It's worth remembering that the Gun Survivor style games ran alongside the mainstream Resident Evil series easily enough on PS One and PS2.

I've got to say that it doesn't really worry me with the title being an 'on-rails' shooter in the slightest - we ARE getting RE4 with the mapped controls (double-dip) and this will surely pacify the blood thirsty hoards (as long as it's bitchin of course! ) but to think that a rails shooter is a cop out [and let's face it some have already claimed that] simply can't be justified, in my eyes anyway - take one of the GC's weirdest titles - KILLER7 - fairly involving, bloodthirsty and a good way to pass a few hours, on-rails shooter no less!!! This genre of game is as old as the hills but it certainly worked for some fairly big titles back in the day..HOtD, Virtua Cop I & II etc etc

As long as they stick to the Nintendo ethos of "Gameplay with fun" they we should be snug as a bug..(?)

I personally believe that Capcom can't afford to drop out a stinker with this hot tomalle (scheese, any more hackneyed cliches!!! :prrr: )

This genre for me encompasses a bit of mindless fun with a lot of blowing peoples heads off to boot - there is surely room for blasting zombies without the need to spend hours looking for them in the back of the cheese cellar!! Capcom are the masters at suspense, especially with the original RE and moreso with RE4.

[Disclaimer] ** I'll probably read Corey's review before shelling out the green on it tho ** ;)

Sigh. Third time's a charm.

Dam you, Capcom.

Damn you to hell.

So come on Cor..chin up
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Howdy Rolex,

Thanks as always for pitching in, hope you're good!

Rolex said:
The gin must be working - a rant only 1000 words long, you must be slipping :devil: :D LOL I enjoyed the article and it only took 3 hours to read!!!! [the rate per word must be on a high!]

I'm on a low word diet at the moment, high in fibre – my next couple features you'll notice this too. Lean, mean verbose machine, baby! ;) Although my friend tells me gin is the drink of a depressed man... which would be an inprovment for me, probably.

Rolex said:
Well I've got to agree wholeheartedly - RE4 on the 'cube was one of the most visual / atmospherically playable games, I've certainly ever come across and it would certainly be a shame to let the series down, I personally can't see it - after all; SSX and Tiger Woods all got fairly good treatments, so it's not going to be a full stretch of the imagination to think that it will be upto normal expectations....can it...:idea: More GIN anyone???

Well if RE4 Wii Edition isn’t up to scratch, there will be rampaging and destruction on the streets. In fact, the local roads may well look like something out of a Resident Evil game, which would be appropriate.

I've got to say that it doesn't really worry me with the title being an 'on-rails' shooter in the slightest - we ARE getting RE4 with the mapped controls (double-dip) and this will surely pacify the blood thirsty hoards (as long as it's bitchin of course! ) but to think that a rails shooter is a cop out [and let's face it some have already claimed that] simply can't be justified, in my eyes anyway - take one of the GC's weirdest titles - KILLER7 - fairly involving, bloodthirsty and a good way to pass a few hours, on-rails shooter no less!!! This genre of game is as old as the hills but it certainly worked for some fairly big titles back in the day..HOtD, Virtua Cop I & II etc etc

I admit, I've not actually played KILLER7, so Suda51's game has passed me by somewhat, but I'm more than willing to give it the benefit of the doubt given I'm a huge fan of most on-rail shooters anyway (even if I did hit myself in the face one time when playing HotD 5 when shaking the Uzi… sigh). It's more a case of a RE title not being what everyone thought/hoped it would be, I guess – I'm of the school of thought that perception is often just as important as reality, so that plays a large part at this moment in time. But still, I loved the video of Umbrella Chronicles, so I'm looking forward to it all the same.

As long as I don’t hit myself in the face with the Wii remote.

I personally believe that Capcom can't afford to drop out a stinker with this hot tomalle (scheese, any more hackneyed cliches!!! :prrr: )

It better not. Or… *dramatic pause, gun cock sound, close-up, action hero voice* there will be hell to pay.

This genre for me encompasses a bit of mindless fun with a lot of blowing peoples heads off to boot - there is surely room for blasting zombies without the need to spend hours looking for them in the back of the cheese cellar!! Capcom are the masters at suspense, especially with the original RE and moreso with RE4. [Disclaimer] ** I'll probably read Corey's review before shelling out the green on it tho ** ;)

True – I actually had a ton of fun playing the Shooting game in Wii Play, so if the mechanics are as intuitive as that alone, then I'll probably be entertained (not sure if that makes you change your mind on waiting for my review, though ;) ). With all the zombie action, multiple environments, QTE and so on, there's a ton of potential for more depth than it's probably showing.

So come on Cor..chin up

It's up – but for not too long, I've got gin to finish ;)
cbrotherson said:
Howdy Rolex,

Thanks as always for pitching in, hope you're good!

As ever and of course....

Although my friend tells me gin is the drink of a depressed man... which would be an inprovment for me, probably.

Ahhh the sweet juniper....drinken by men who's tortured souls commit savage prose to parchment....[remind you of anyone?:idea: ]
sounds of sobbing still wafts out from under Jeff Peters cell door.....

I admit, I've not actually played KILLER7

Dear lord! Did Jack Thompson write all those letters damning it for nothing!!!:mad5:

If I was at home I would send you my copy! ;)

As long as I don’t hit myself in the face with the Wii remote.

I am available for walk by Wii remote beatings, should they be required!! :D

Remember folks that's.... 0800-I-Bet-That-Smarts-1066!!! (To the tune of the really annoying Hastings Car Insurance advert!! :prrr: )

All the best with the new slimline articles - but be warned if they are too short - people may read them!!!! :smilewinkgrin:
Rolex said:
Ahhh the sweet juniper....drinken by men who's tortured souls commit savage prose to parchment....[remind you of anyone?:idea: ]
sounds of sobbing still wafts out from under Jeff Peters cell door.....

Pfttt, he'll get over it - I was being kind ;)

Dear lord! Did Jack Thompson write all those letters damning it for nothing!!!:mad5:

If I was at home I would send you my copy! ;)

Heh, well it's probably going cheap somewhere, so I may try and pick up a copy - no doubt the popularity will increase once No More Heroes is released and the world is exposed to Suda-power once more...

I am available for walk by Wii remote beatings, should they be required!! :D

Remember folks that's.... 0800-I-Bet-That-Smarts-1066!!! (To the tune of the really annoying Hastings Car Insurance advert!! :prrr: )
I cant believe they gave that character/mascot a SON. Really, who's idea was that? I want to hurt them.

All the best with the new slimline articles - but be warned if they are too short - people may read them!!!! :smilewinkgrin:

:lol: Cheers - I actually do have something about reading coming up in the near future, you may be interested in it, it's all very metatextual ;)
check out these cool screenshots i found from the game:






yeah they are pretty cool... jk they are from house of the dead 1 and 3 and the last one is teh origional virtual cop.... lol rails

hmmmm..... i like


Surely it would have been the rip-off of the year if Capcom priced the Wii port of Resident Evil 4 at a regular $60 price, but fear not, the game will ship with a $29.99 price tag. This comes from Capcom, as the price was revealed on the official product page.

Resident Evil 4 for the Wii is mostly a port from the GameCube version, but with a few tweaks and of course full support for the new Wii controls. The game ships on June 19 in the U.S. and June 29 in Europe.
Seen alot of nice videos from capcom from this game. Looks very very impressive, fun and exciting aswell.... Dunno if I wanna buy it, but Im sure a h*** gonna try it ;) hehe
If you're a big Resident Evil fan like myself you should buy it, but if you're just going play through it once without playing it again you might as well rent it. The rest is entirely up to you.

P.S It would be alot better if it was Multi player.....Wait a minute if it expands to RE:CV is it possible for Claire and Leon to make an appearance.
haha no not at all... i own that game and it not a rail shooter at all. I dont want to dis RE: survivor because i had alot of fun playing it but it defintally wont hold a candle to RE:UC. but anyways they will in no way be the same
The game is somewhat like Resident:Surviver in exception that RE:UC has better graphics, its a rail shooter instead, storyline makes alot more sense,more than one playable characters, fun and intuitive controls, next-next generation platform and most of all an entirely different game which gives you an entirely different perspective in an FPS Resident Evil Franchise.

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