Resident Evil 5 Petition for Wii


WiiChat Member
Aug 26, 2007
There is an Official Resident Evil 5 Petition up!! It has already reached 20,700 Signatures, but our goal is 30,000. Please Sign the Petition and spread it around the Internet!

Capcom listens to Petitions:
Link to Petition:


Interview Regarding Resident Evil 5

Q: We gave Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition an excellent score. Why isn't Capcom bringing RE5 to Wii? As we seen with that game, impressive graphics can be done on that platform as well.

A: Decisions surrending the RE5 project were taken a long time ago [perhaps even before Nintendo unveiled Wii-mote?] and they needed to choose quickly on which platform they wanted to develop it. They haven't decided if they will port RE5 on Wii yet. So in a way this game (RE4:Wii); well both games [I think the translator switched Kawata's words to point out both games] will help us to test the market, to see if developing this genre on this platform is interesting. The decision is not made yet.
I've seen you on numerous forums.

I've signed the petition ages ago (signature 256 I think).

Quite frankly, I think it's very possible that Resident Evil 5 could come to the Wii. I also find it very likely, that the graphics won't have to be downgraded too much (programming for SD instead of HD may be a benefit here), coupled with the fact that they'd already have all the designing stuff done, as well as sounds and such, all they'd have to do (theoretically) is to reduce the number of polygons, reduce the quality of the texture mappings (which would still work out fine), implement Resii Evil 4's sytemand bob's your uncle.

Also, let's not forget that a, we don't know exactly what the Wii can do, and b, we have not seen anyone trying to port a next-gen title to the Wii, we don't know what exactly Capcom can get away with in terms of graphics and such (because games either get ported from equal or lesser systems or are based on Wii's current focus). As such, we have not seen any game go anywhere near the Wii's potential.

Also, Resident Evil 4 was a cube game, and it looked really good. With the Wii (which is more than a "supped up Gamecube", it's more like twice the power or more), we could actually see an improvement graphics wise too.

Any nay sayers can screw themselves, if you don't want to buy Resident Evil 5 for the Wii, then don't buy it, just don't deprive the rest of us at the chance to play a potentially good game with awesome controls. Don't like it? Don't sign, just please stop bitching.
I'll sign. :aureola: I'm not a big fan of Resident Evil games, but hey if it *can* be brought to the wii, then it should be.
I signed it. Even if it wouldn't be RE5. Maybe they would make a new game that played like RE4. I would love that just like I am loving RE4 at the moment.
I'm not a Resident Evil fan nor do I own any of the games but I'll sign anyway. The more games the Wii can get, the happier the fans, and that's all that matters. There are 20,891 signatures total now.

I'll definitely share the petition link across some other forums to help.

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