Resident Evil 4 Wii


Bonds Passes Hank 8/7/07
Feb 17, 2007
Wii Online Code
Look at this site: here

2 things interest me:

a: price only 29.99, why so cheap?

b: release date June 25, the online release date in the US, does this mean they know the game will be online, just not when it will be released, so they put the day they know online will come on the site? or is it just a coincidence.

sorry if this has already been posted.
It's so cheap because the development was nowhere near as intensive because it is essentially a port (though a port I want).

Second, I think it's just co-incidence with the online. It's going to be up against pokemon battle revolution. Wonder how it will fare...
Like I've been saying.....It's most likely just an experiment for Capcom to get a handle on the controls, thus making it cheaper because they're not really so serious about 4, as they are about getting UC right.
Hhhhmmm... still unsure whether or not I will be investing in this. Whilst I absolutely love Resident Evil 4 to bits, I own it on both Gamecube AND PS2 so going for the Wii version as well is kind of screaming a waste of money to me.

Then again, I'll probably see a sample of someone playing it with the wiimote and just feel the need to buy it for the third time haha!
I have never played a R.E. but for 25 dollers... I think I'll get it, But if it doesnt have online I'll probaly get pokemon before it.
This is really awesome... I love RE4 although I only have the first disc for GC, lol. But I'm definitely gonna look into getting this.

Ellythrion said:
Hhhhmmm... still unsure whether or not I will be investing in this. Whilst I absolutely love Resident Evil 4 to bits, I own it on both Gamecube AND PS2 so going for the Wii version as well is kind of screaming a waste of money to me.

Then again, I'll probably see a sample of someone playing it with the wiimote and just feel the need to buy it for the third time haha!

Trade in the PS2 and GC version to get this one.
It won't have online, it'll have a trailer for UC and all the extra content on the PS2 (that the Gamecube missed)
They might bump a few resolutions but don't expect the game to look much better thent he GC version.

So it' pretty much RE4 gamecube with the wii-controlls, the $15+- boost in price will be worth it to me only if the controlls are ace otherwise I'm just going to get the GC version (and it'll probobly drop in price a bit too)
I have resident evil 4 for gamecube and I love it.
I have RE 0, rebirth, 2, 3, Code:Veronica and 4 for gamecube and I love the series.

But there is not much difference from gamecube version.
Of course it added what they already added to ps2 and widescreen, but
I don't think widescreen feature and the extra in it worth extra $30.
I don't think so.

Even if I sell my RE4 for gamecube, I will probably get $5 or less because
the new one is still $19.99.

Wiimote feature isn't gonna make the game better. It will make it worse IMO.

so I don't think I will buy it but widescreen is still tempting since it's like a shooting game and you want better view.
I feel like it would be too easy with wiimote aiming. Who knows, I still wish I hadn't bought it for gamecube a month ago. But I suppose that is hindsight bias.
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you and i are one in the same, Rabid_Toaster. ill get this since its at a discount. and i want to see how far they've come with wii controls for fps.
all ma m8s have the gc and ps2 versoins of resi 4 and they all say that its the best game theyve ever played, and seeing that it got best game on ps2 for its year and I think it got best gc shooter for its year it seems to be a good idea to buy
this is going to be OLC.

it has a sneak peak of UC.

its 30 bucks because its old and not new.

deff worth picking up. ahha
Wow thanks Capcom :D very considerate making it a low price. I'm going to be getting it for the Wii, being that I didn't get it for the GC.

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