Reputation + Dishonor?

When I joined I thought that's what the little green box is just under the link to peoples mii profiles because that's what I've seen on other forums, like the bigger the rep the more boxes there are,

Does this actually happen here and like nobody really bothers with it or what? If not I think it would be cool
Hes a smeghead anyway

Im rude to spamers
people that post stuff in the wrong part (allways provide a lnik to the right place)
Site spamers
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  • #19
Hyrulian Knight of Legend said:
Finally I found someone who shares my pain against dark prinny its like he's my arch enemy so I support u on this he does get away with too much around here lets cut him down to size and start a resistance against dark prinny.
Umm...It's not Dark Prinny im thinking off...he can be cruel but not overally, and he is also my hero... but some people are just plain rude and just post USE SEARCH BAR! I can;t remember his username now but I looked at his messeges and he ahrdly contributed anything useful, just making fun of people. And maybe some usefulness...

Anyway, I just saw that the reputation button has an approve/disapprove thingy...woot?
I got some negative rep

UK Launch: 50,000 units... 12-23-2006 11:25 PM Moo!

Yes that moo was a well founded idea.....
You Can... After You Click The
Click "I Disapprove" And You Take Some Away.
You should be able to challenge someone to mortal combat on the basis of honour/reputation. Not Mortal Kombat the game - but actual fighting each other to the death... With pistols (10 paces then turn and shoot) or rapiers or something. That would be cool.
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  • #25
Yes! That is exactly what I mean! Hehe... that would be cool. We should ask Ion :p
En4Neo said:
I'd imagine many people would abuse it. Sounds good on paper, but I doubt it go too well.

yeah, just like communism, give everyone the same ammount of power (or too much for that matter) and they will abuse it

maybe people who abuse it could get banned or temp banned from using the feedback system...

i don't even know how to use it, how do you use it
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  • #27
Well you... I don't know. I just see alot of flamers recently and didn't know the best way to report them so I thought of this, but it is pretty...not good.
Not knowing what Communism was (I know I'm Stupid), I researched it.

If this comes out huge I will make it very much smaller. OK?
Edit: I say it's ok, but you can tell me otehrwise.
it's ok...

alot of people that don't know what it is and just think it involves an evil dictator that starves everyone, i'm not saying it's good but im just saying it ain't horrible on paper, and it has worked sometimes, but only untill the leader figured out they could abuse power etc.
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  • #29
Ah yes, I know what you mean. But, we do have the dishonor button so I can be 'Happy' I guess. And Report Bad Post...