Remote Mines... Useless?

I don't play much lately, but For a few days there I was using motes as my primary weapon. (until they run out) I asked TKING how to use them and his advise worked great. In Hero's is is great, or if you get in a melee fight, throw one. You can easily take out everyone in the high room hot spot at nightclub.
I don't play much lately, but For a few days there I was using motes as my primary weapon. (until they run out) I asked TKING how to use them and his advise worked great. In Hero's is is great, or if you get in a melee fight, throw one. You can easily take out everyone in the high room hot spot at nightclub.

Oh yeah the back room with two stair cases is my bread and butter for tossing mines and killing the whole team plus hero :)

In a good match I can get an upwards of 9 kills with the Remote Mines. But any other matches I am just happy to get 1 or 2, as long as I use them. I try not to rely on them but when you know the team is camping you have to toss a mine and get them.

I love tossing mines at snipers... it's more fun to blow them up then shoot them, plus you get 10 exp for explosion and not 5. When I am teaming up with my clan there are always a ton of mines being tossed every which direction.... Were not afraid to use them haha. Mines are a game changer :yesnod:
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I don't play much lately, but For a few days there I was using motes as my primary weapon. (until they run out) I asked TKING how to use them and his advise worked great. In Hero's is is great, or if you get in a melee fight, throw one. You can easily take out everyone in the high room hot spot at nightclub.

Yeah I havent been playing too much either... Havent been playing Heroes Im kind of stuck on BB for now but its getting old. I love RTM but use them way too much My accidental death has gone from zero to in the 80s since I started playing with all mines...
Use them offensively and you might like them.
Don't be a dick who crouches in a corner and waits for someone to walk across them (you know who you are. >___>)

i got this yesterday in archives behind consel 4 dude camped with remote in the door and when the hero camp he blew him up

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