Remote IR Question


WiiChat Member
Mar 18, 2008

I seem to have a slight 'problem' with the IR and my Wii. The pointer somtimes seems to behave weird in the bottom left corner of the screen, and only the bottom left corner, where the Wii button is in the main menu. The problem is more exaggerated if the remote is tilted.
I went to the sensitivity screen in the menu to see exactly what was going on. When pointing on the right side of the screen the dot disappears when it goes off the sensing area, but when pointing to the left of the screen the dot disappears before reaching the edge especially when the dots are in the top right corner (which corresponds to the bottom left of the screen).
I've uploaded a small vid (3gp) I took with my phone to help clarify

I cleaned the sensor bar, the sensors on the remotes (happens with both of them), played around with the distance from the screen, but the dot always disappears before the edge of the screen for the left. So I was wondering if this is how it supposed to be or if there is some way to recalibrate it or something. (Sensor bar is on top of the screen btw)

Thanks in advance :)
Are there any light sources behind or near your TV (lamps, windows, etc.)? Or possibly something reflecting off of the sensor bar? Try moving the sensor bar below the TV (or above it if it's already below) and see if that changes the behavior any.
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Thanks for for the quick reply..
I considered light sources behind the TV.. the TV is front of a solid wall... Didn't really consider reflection of the sensor bar. I was playing around abit in the sensitivity screen moving around the sensor bar and such and i found that when I go close to the TV (about 2 and half feet away from it) I'm seeing a whole bunch of dots. I guess there is some reflecting going on.. I'm not sure what it could be though. I only have fluorescent lights in my room and I moved the only mirror. The only things I can think of is maybe the TV itself (it's black and shiny) or the fact that I have the comp set up directly opposite the TV. I'll play around some more and see

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