Religious gh3 issue

I would love to really participate in this discussion but 1) it's a Wii forum and 2) many of you are so young that the culture police think they have to protect you.
austinAlan said:
I would love to really participate in this discussion but 1) it's a Wii forum and 2) many of you are so young that the culture police think they have to protect you.

awww go on austin , tell us what you really think , after all you would love to participate .
Nah, it typically takes until the mid-twenties before real intellectual thought develops on this subject. Before that it's all about external influences and "soul searching." My advice is to simple treat your fellow man/woman with respect and dignity and everything else will follow. Don't get fixated on the fine print so to speak.
while i think you have a point i do believe that you should give younger people a little more credit .

People are quite diverse in character and development so to tar a whole generation with the same brush is a little disrepectfull in my view

but i agree with u here

"My advice is to simple treat your fellow man/woman with respect and dignity and everything else will follow. Don't get fixated on the fine print so to speak. "
el-zilcho said:
while i think you have a point i do believe that you should give younger people a little more credit .

People are quite diverse in character and development so to tar a whole generation with the same brush is a little disrepectfull in my view

It's not disrespectful to say that human beings have a development period. The problem is when young humans don't put in the time and some intellectual elbow grease and when misguided overly influential adults propagate the laziness of thought that they themselves developed.
austinAlan said:
It's not disrespectful to say that human beings have a development period. The problem is when young humans don't put in the time and some intellectual elbow grease and when misguided overly influential adults propagate the laziness of thought that they themselves developed.

Well I think that we are all in a perpetual state of development .
True enough we do find out a lot about ourselves and our beliefs in adolesence , but this is why I dont believe that your idea that teens are spiritually imature and intelectually vunerble should be applied so broadly .
Young people generally have a good grip of thier ideas and a good insight into where they're at .
Its as we get older that we are more prone to losing sight of who we are .

I understand your point but I think its wrong to assume that "one size fits all"

this is so off topic !!

So, my two cents here, if anyone still cares about this topic.


There are seemingly hundreds of different denominations of christianity. I wouldn't be surprised if every Christian on this thread follows a different denomination. That being said, let me try to keep this as short as possible--religion is all about interpretation. Every single one of you has a different opinion about this thread's topic, which tells me that not one of you can possibly be 100% correct. Actually, there is no right or wrong answer. Religion is a personal experience, with personal interpretations. The original poster asked for an opinion to help him further develop his own, so all of you are doing a fantastic job of that. Just so long as none of you assume that you are right. None of you can be.


Quit trying to fight the Christians on things like this. Just like them, you have hundreds of different viewpoints on the world, and not one of you is right. Again, no one can be. These are all just opinions.

Bottom line: this thread is FULL of excellent opinions, and hopefully by reading through the entire thing you have been able to make an informed decision. I've been on both sides of this, and can honestly say that christianity can scare you into and out of doing quite a few things. Just make sure that decisions like this don't take up too much of your time--in the end, it's still a game, and you're still confident in your beliefs. Playing it is really no different than watching a questionable movie or going to a strip club (extreme) in that, no matter what, you are unwaivering in your faith. As I recall, Jesus was often put in questionable places with questionable people doing questionable things, but that really didn't affect his beliefs or his level of holiness. Just my two cents.
WolfpacSnakepit said:
man that sucks.
im atheist and i believe there is no God so i don't feel guilty about doing anything :)

Atheism doesn't eliminated guilt because it doesn't deny morality.
suck it up pussy its just 1 song, theres hundreds of others like it, why yet you still by music, why not rethink buying music?
Look I'm a Christian and If I were you I wouldn't want to be close to any of that stuff. You could get the game and not play that song ever. Just remember that gaming is just a way to entertain ourselves on earth what really matters is your eternal life. If you feel like you can't get the even if you never play the song then I would say just skip it.
Macky said:
I don't expect many of you to believe what i am about to write simply because Satan has 99% of you blinded as his puppets.

Fact Satan is real, hell is real and the only way to stop yourself ever reaching hell is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

Fact Demons are as real as I am and they are attracted to things like the sign of whichcraft which is a pentagram in a circle which is liberally smeared all over GH3 on screen.

Fact Metal is the main drive of Satanic music in the world, am not saying Satan only uses metal as he clearly uses many diferent types of music but Metal is without a doubt the main focus of his music attention. This is why Metal has the most satanic lyrics & symbols. It's also why most metal fans wear black clothes and nail varnish and sadly this is why metal fans have the highest suicide rate.

I personally was a Punk rocker in the 70's and did not give a toss about Satan or anything else for that matter as I thought it was a load of rubbish. It was only when I witnessed the awesome power of Jesus totally transform a possessed person that I realised something was going on. There is a spirit realm that is all around you and your actions directly dictate what is or is not allowed to influence your life. I got saved and baptised by the holy spirit and through me God has worked some amazing miracles. I have witnessed the awesome power of God, seen blind people healed, demons cast out etc, it is all 100% real!

GH3 has loads of Satanic content that will attract demonic power directly into your life, if you are a real Christian you will know to stay well clear. If you are a bible bashing Christian that habitually attends church every week to get your passport to heaven stamped then you are probably laughing at this post now as you are just as blind as the none believers. (You shoud go to church but make sure it's an alive church and not a dead one)

I won't be replying to this, i have said what was needed to be said. One thing I must add is that everyone that reads this post now knows the truth. One day whether you believe it or not you WILL be standing before the throne of Jesus Christ to account for all your actions, you now can't say i never knew!

Shame Satan has taken over GH3 as it really does look good (apart from some of the music) ;)

Go Macky you have just nailed it right on the head. They should've made GH3 where you could play your own songs on there through a memory card that'd be sweet!