registering at nintendo vip problems!!!


WiiChat Member
Mar 25, 2007
Wii Online Code
somebody pleeeaaassseeeee help me . im trying to register my wii with the nintendo vip club . i fill in all the details required then hit submit and all it keeps coming up with is unable to create a new profile!!!! grrrrrr does anybody know why??? i need 2 do this 2 link my wii with my email address
Have you double checked everything you've inputted?
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yeah have doule checked everything,re-entered my details several times but get the same thing every time saying unable to create new profile!!!!! really annoying me now :sad:
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just got thru 2 the people in costumer services about not being able 2 register with club nintendo site and they told me i have 2 email internet enquiries which is based in GERMANY but it may then take up to 3 weeks for them 2 even reply !!!!! omg im so annoyed with this. my partner had no probs at all registering his ps3 !!!!!!!
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problem solved at last lol

panic over lol . finally managed to register my wii after trying since saturday
thank 2 those that replied but was a prob with the website so nothing i was doing wrong lol
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