Red Steel

The simple answer to the movement question is NO. The sword will not do whatever you do. It's as if you're using a regular controller and pressing A over and over again...that will bring about the same result as when you swing your controller like a sword. Different combinations of buttons can change what happens with the sword, but again, you will not be able to control the sword as if it's actually in your hand.

You didn't ask about the gun, but with it, you do have a much more realistic feel to it. When you rotate your arm, the arm on the screen rotates and the gun turns whichever way your arm does.
a swing of your arm in a sertain direction will trigger an on screen swipe in that direction so it's almost as if it is a direct movement. and yes, you block and parry with your left hand weapon. the game is sweet and you should get it. very easy to beat though

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