Red Steel: Wii Must think of the future


WiiChat Member
Dec 3, 2006
So, I'm not a hard core gamer. I have a PS2 and I don't want a PS3 right now. I don't need Blue-Ray, or a DVD in my game system...The Wii is just right. I've never stood in long lines for systems...but at 4:30 I'm writing this counting down until the nearest Target opens and I stand in the freezing cold just to get a Wii.

I spent ALL DAY deciding on a game to accompany my new system. My choice Red Steel. WHY?

Well, we already know the graphics aren't perfect but if I wanted realism visually I'd buy a PS3. I want the ability to bust a cap in, and slice the skin off some punk without catching a case. Red Steel will deliver. Will it have glitches? I'm sure, but so did path of neo and I love that game to death!

What has me really excited, is the possibilities. Imagine if- at any time microsoft or sony decided to MERGE with ninetendo- providing superior graphix and new gen controls! This is the next level of gaming taking the arcade home- and with online, multi-player options soon the wii is the way to go.

The horrible reviews Red Steel received threw me aback at first- but it seems like people are holding this game to way to high standards. It probably plays like a good bond game- or timesplitters and honestly I've had hours of fun with both.

As dawn quickly approaches, I will strap into my wi-mote, plug in my nunchaku and tell you a real review tonight. Until then-
Boku-wa Sir out!
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Forget the bad reviews, if you loved 007 golden eye, or tenchu....and can imagine both combined and you are fully in control....if that sounds like fun, get this game. The controls are sensitive and the first 2 stages will drive you nutz as you learn to zoom, and do things I won't even spoil. Its a good game. I wonder if the multiplayer is sword or gun style? hmmm.
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Yes, I overlooked Zelda. I'm not much of a zelda fan, in fact I've never played it! HOWEVER, That's not why I overlooked it. I wanted to start with the weaker of the 2, and work my way up. That way, its Red steel isn't as disappointing.
lol thats a good way to think of it, if you play red steel first you cant say its too bad, and if u play zelda u will think that game is teh rox! IM GONNA DO IT LIKE THAT!
I own both TP and RS. Started out on some Steel then worked my way over to Twilight. Best way to go cause when you think RS is good, throw Twilight into your disc drive and your head will go "OMFG LEET BOOOOOM".... no really, it will ^^

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