Red Steel 2!

Ubisoft has just apologized about puttin crap out for the Wii.....Now that the Wii is so popular I think theyre gonna put out some SWEET games for the Wii....Red Steel 2 could be one of those...
hey remember when nintendo mag said that they would post more coverage of the game about a month or so ago? Well read this (copied from

Last month's issue of UK's Official Nintendo Magazine (ONM) hinted (well, almost blantantly) of a Red Steel 2 exclusive coverage for this month. But as it turns out, no such coverage was to be found on the pages of Official Nintendo Magazine's current issue.

One of the magazine's editors, known as Chris in the ONM forums, explained that it was due to the game demo still being unplayable at the moment. He said in the forums:

As for last issue’s Next Month page, the feature on the game in question fell through because it wasn’t ready to be shown off yet. That wasn’t due to us, it was due to the game’s developer and publisher.

Deals are made to secure games for future issues, but sometimes (for reasons outwith our control) these deals fall through or are put back when a game needs a bit more work.

So there you have it. Chris didn't mention when the exclusive coverage of Red Steel 2 will be published, but you can depend on us at QJ to keep you posted. Until then, stay tuned for more updates!
Too bad, this probably also means that we won't see Red Steel 2 in the shelves too soon.
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  • #79
i know red steel 2 is one game that is on my wish list
See, if it was something like the game isn't ready yet, then I can understand it not being up.

I mean, it'll be a bad situation if people see something that is so far in Beta that they basically turn their fans off (like if the polygon models weren't up to scratch). It's basically a case of a misplaced promise from Ubisoft had a knock-on effect.

Also probably means that we may actually see some footage or such in next month or the month afterwards.

Besides, people were complaining that Red Steel was rushed. I say let Ubisoft take their time with the second one. As long as it's out before the end of 2008!
well good. just read the first post. i actual liked red stell as i got it with wii last xmas.

so it have better controls(i didnt mind em but people did)
better graphics(graphics were pretty bad imo)
and the what 99% need nowadays online (be cool 8 people online :yesnod: )
red steel 2 has potential, theres no denying that. but red steel didnt live up to it's hype at all so they are going to have to improve RS2 in many areas for it to be a good game. im sure it will turn out ten times better than the first one.
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  • #85
according to official nintendo magazine.;

it will focus a fair bit with online and multiplayer while trying to deliver an exceptional single played.

with improved swordplay and less linear and more weapons
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  • #87
yeah hopefully

NO user hostes games.
AND NO friend codes.

they should follow MOHH2 idea
Sweet deal.
Glad to hear it finally confirmed.
I enjoyed the first one, but yes it did have some bad things in it.

Hopefully 2 doesn't disappoint.
if im not wrong, ubisoft doesnt use their own servers so the online part doesnt seem like it will happen.
Redsteel is a brilliant FPS adventure, with creative story,characters,and enviroment. It's second best to Metroid Prime 3 by a little. I'd really enjoy a sequal, but I wish you could actually use the katana in multiplayer instead of just stunning the opponent. Thanks for the heads up

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