Red Steel 2!

I quite liked the zoom at first, it was quite a fun feature, but then it just got annoying. I don't like the focusing system either, it makes it too easy because as soon as you lock-on you know where he is until you kill him, and sometimes I'll be shooting at someone and it'll lock on to someone else, then automatically move to face him, but I wanted to kill the other guy!
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  • #62
good points :) im surprised my thread has had so many posts,

i need to ask a question, how much rep do you need to get one more green bar? i thought it was 20 but im on 24 and havent got it yet


also i totally agree, locking on would suck, we in uk havent tried the metroid controls yet,
Yeah I want to try out the Metroid controls to decide myself if that's what I'd like for Red Steel 2. But controls similar to RE4 would be nice, obviously shoot would just be B, allowing A to do what they decide (focus, sniping view etc). Infact, to be honest, I didn't mind the Red Steel controls. I know people want to turn using the analog stick rather than aiming the cursor towards the side of the screen, but then how would you strafe? You need to be able to strafe!
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  • #64
good point very good point we do need strafe.

and yeah i really like RE4 controlls, just b needs to be shoot, otherwise guns nand the zapper would not work with it, but i found Red steels original controls fine
I think they should give the option of using different controllers and schemes, like a cross between Brawl And MK: Armagedon.
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  • #66
ok good point a choice, But BRAWL!! MK:AMAGEDDON!! controls for red steel 2 ? dont think so sorry
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  • #69
oh lol lmao im an idiot,

yeah that would be good,

but i still think i would opt for the wiimote and nunchuck cause i liked the original controls
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  • #70
:( im hugely dissapointed in official nintendo magazine

they implyed info on red steel 2, (but if it wasnt red steel 2 then they emplyed a release of a new game) in theyre next magazine

well the next magazine is out and guess what no info on red steel 2 or a noew good online game im very dissapointed
i really enjoyed the first one. i thought the storyline was good and i really liked the sword fighting. i liked the way they did the health cause i probably would have died a lot :lol:
first off i liked the first game it was awesome and i think that people are too bitchy when it comes to the controls i mean i picked them up and mastered them within a minute but they should work on the sword fighting which is the only thing i have a problem with, also i think theres a good chance that there will be a second one
rocknroll4eva said:
first off i liked the first game it was awesome and i think that people are too bitchy when it comes to the controls i mean i picked them up and mastered them within a minute but they should work on the sword fighting which is the only thing i have a problem with, also i think theres a good chance that there will be a second one

Well the controls other than the sword were good no doubt.
But I would like to see a visual upgrade as well as a sword fighting upgrade in the Second one.
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  • #75
agreed 100%

all they need to change in single player is sword fighting and graphics.

but multiplayer,

needs bots
needs more weapons
needs more maps
needs ONLINE

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