Red Steel 2!

we all knew it was gonna happen but Real 100% official confirmation is gonna come soon enough
I was very disappointed in the first Red Steele. There are too many issues with that game to even talk about. I am going to wait for many reviews before even considering buying the second edition.
red steel was quite good but they do need to sort out the controlls to be perfect!
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well the controls cant be perfect for everybody,

i mean i found the controls of the first one simple easay and fun (bar swordplay)

but my bros friend hated them in every single way,

its impossible to please everyone, but as long as they please me i dont care lol
They should just clone whatever the Metroid contrlos are because everyone seems to love those
un fortunatly iv not been able to try them yet, but personally i think a lock on system would not suit Red steel, and thing it would make it to easy
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Me niether but i liked the controls anyway so i dont think they need editing
daviduk200 said:
Me niether but i liked the controls anyway so i dont think they need editing
Maybe not scrapping, but I think they do need tightening.
well yeah they could do with tightening a bit but keep the basics and use the same formula, and all that but overall i really enjoyed the point and shoot style, i think that locking on spoils the idea of the wii remotes point and shoot concept
jackyboy said:
well yeah they could do with tightening a bit but keep the basics and use the same formula, and all that but overall i really enjoyed the point and shoot style, i think that locking on spoils the idea of the wii remotes point and shoot concept
Agreed, I just wish you didn't have to use the cursor to look around, but what can you do?
Come to think of it, I thought the focusing system could have been better.

Perhaps not having to move into the TV itself, just press up on the D-pad or something...
Squall7 said:
Come to think of it, I thought the focusing system could have been better.

Perhaps not having to move into the TV itself, just press up on the D-pad or something...
I had completely forgot about that, yes the "zoom" should be changed, and I like your suggestion, I just hope they consider changing it.

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