Red Steel 2!

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  • #31
im defeo gon nna get it dont need no persuading
PKU4GOOD said:
it's not worth another game

I think it totaly is worth a sequel

@Mr Money
I don't know... how do you want to have swordfights with the zapper?
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  • #35
wave the gun round like loony lol

anyway n e game that uses B as fire is zapper compatible.

i 2 need no convincing for this game
To halo ?

Unles they are going to make it "feel" a lot more like a good game instead of shakey controls than theres not even a long shot of it getting close to halo.

Than theres the fact of the way it plays. Its a different brand. Its like comparing a nike shop with a simple shoe shop
I liked Red Steel despite its problems, the controls were not as bad as a lot of reviews made out but now i think that they seem terrible when compaired to MP3s (i traded RS for MP3).

If Red Steel 2 polished up the graphics a bit, got some MP3 style fluid controls, tightened up the swordplay (preferably with 1:1 motion) and added online multiplayer modes then it could be very good. Hopefully they keep the same music style though as that was one of the best things in Red Steel.
I would like to see them tighten up the swordplay controls in the sequel. Also, the sensitivity of the "looking around" needs to be tightened up a bit as well. Other than that, I don't really need a lot of improvements for a Red Steel sequel. Online would be nice, but I don't need every game to be online to have fun with it. To me, Red Steel is a solo adventure as opposed to a multiplayer experience anyway. I absolutely LOVED the story in the original Red Steel and the music was great as well. I think Red Steel really got a bad rap. It's one of the few games I've acutally finished in recent years and I would absolutely buy a sequel. To me, Red Steel is one of those "new franchises" that the Wii "needs."
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  • #40
i really really enjoyed the original only real gameplay downside was, swordplay,

things that might have made it more fun,
would be, better graphics, more wepons and way more multiplayer maps, n online,

but even if they didnt change anything except story and levels, i would probably still buy it,

but seen as online and better controls, are an almost definate, im just that little bit happier about the sequel than i was already
Translation below
Ubisoft has just confirmed officially the development of Red Steel 2 on Wii at the time of a congress being held in Cannes.

An open secret, this advertisement would however charm the amateurs of 1st name which knew to find its public with nearly a million sales in the whole world. What to justify the troops for the second volume which would be liked more worked, in particular engagements with the sabre with a total recasting of the system.

The presence of a online mode which would be truly a strong point of the play seems also on the way. Wii would thus obtain a FPS on line, very important element - to include/understand “salesman” - other platforms.

More details to come in the next days, even the next hours.
Don't you just love google translator. Manages to butcher the language enough to make it obviously not a good one, but not enough so that you don't understand what it's saying...
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  • #42
cant wait till next months issue of ONM they have a section on it,
Oh...My...God....I loved the first one but I yhought online and more guns were the only features it needs.Atleast one of them was confirmed....
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  • #44
yeah man i just cant wait, but mulitplayer needs improved even if they dont add online we need more maps

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